S11 (self)

Text: Leon Kruger
Director: Gerben Kamper

Category: On stage - Drama
Price: R95
Duration: 90min
Restrictions: No under 14
Venue: kykNET-Scaena

With: Hilletje Möller, Waldimar Schultz, Stephanie Brink, Maria de Koker, Chanmari Erasmus

Dates & times:
Tuesday 10 July 19h30
Thursday 12 July 09h00
Thursday 12 July 21h30

Bokings: Computicket (Mimosa Mall, Loch Logan Waterfront, Preller Square and all Checkers Money Markets)

S11(self) is the runner-up of the Nagtegaal-prize for newly written scripts. This text shows the vulnerability of the human-soul. Alet, a patient in a psychiatric hospital, who in her quest to find inner-peace, struggles to come to terms with her past, present and future. Her ex-husband, Karel, and the nurse, Hermien helps her through her process of recovery. But it is in ward 11 where she finally makes peace with the traumatic events that happened to her 15 years ago. A heart-breaking portrayal of what it truly means to be human, something that no one can leave untouched.

The text is written by Leon Kruger and was published in the Nagtegaal -script prize of 2009 by JOHO! Daleen Kruger’s Draadwerk was one of the other scripts that also received a prize.

S11 (self) is made possible by the generous donation from the National Lottery Distribution Fund.


T: +27 51 401 2240 or humanities@ufs.ac.za

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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