Description: Architecture Keywords: New Building, Department of Architecture, Henry Pretorius, Typology Architects
Description: Architecture Keywords: New Building, Department of Architecture, Henry Pretorius, Typology Architects

The Department of Architecture is underpinned by a critical inquiry into meaningful place-making. The department focuses on the caring design of the built environment in the following ways:

  • TEACHING -  Formal lectures, inter-personal studio facilitation, vertical studio sessions, construction site visits, annual design excursions, and visits to architectural practices
  • COMMUNITY SERVICE -  The UNESCO-accredited Earth Unit and community service learning
  • PRACTICE - Unconditional validation as a South African Architectural Learning Site, locally by South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) and internationally by the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA). Associated with the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA)

Through the integration of design, construction, theory, and history, we aim to sensitively, critically, and sustainably learn to provide meaningful places in the South African and international context.

After completion of their studies students will be equipped to register through SACAP as Architectural Draughtspeople, Architectural Technologists, Senior Architectural Technologists, or Professional Architects.

Undergraduate Studies 

Prospective undergraduate students

Closing date for BArch applications: 31 July preceding the year of intended study.

Faculty Rule Book 2024
Undergraduate Prospectus 2025
Apply online (please note that a selection form needs to be completed along with a university application)

Postgraduate Studies

2025 UFS Postgraduate Prospectus
Faculty Rule Book 2024

Closing date for BArch Honours applications: 31 July 
A selection form and portfolio needs to be submitted along with a university application

Closing date for MArch (for professional registration) applications: 31 July
A selection form and portfolio needs to be submitted along with a university application

Closing dates for research-based higher degrees

MArch through research: 30 September
MArch with Design: 30 September
A research proposal has to be submitted subject to the Academic Department Head's approval

PhD through research: 30 September
PhD with Design (design or practice lead): 30 September
A research proposal has to be submitted subject to the Academic Department Head's approval

Faculty Rulebook 2024
Apply online

Programme Director (Academic Enquiries)
Kobus du Preez    
T: +27 51 401 2127

General Enquiries

Yolanda Nienaber 
T: +27 51 401 2332

Head of Department

Prof Jonathan Noble 
T: +27 51 401 2332

The A Mag

Our students produce an annual publication called A Magazine. It is available at A MAG online. The publication features the work of students in each stage of the BArch, Hons, and Master's courses and includes pieces by staff members. 


Elfrieda van den Berg (Marketing Manager)
T: +27 51 401 2531


Dilahlwane Mohono (Faculty Officer)
T: +27 58 718 5284

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