National Education, Health, and Allied Workers' Union (NEHAWU)

Welcomes you!!

 Description:  Keywords: NEHAWU logo

Your visit to our webpage is highly appreciated. Nehawu UFS Branch is composed of the branches from the Bloemfontein and Qwaqwa Campuses. Each campus has its own branch executive committee which operate independently to address the needs and aspirations of the members according to each geographical area.

The branch is committed to abide by the Constitution of NEHAWU and university policies, regulations, and acts governing the institution.

We further commit ourselves to co-oporate with the University Council and Executive Management to enhance the processes of transformation, diversity, and equity in higher education.

We subscribe to good corporate governance, promotion of administrative justice, and equality for all.

NEHAWU was founded on 27 and 28 June 1987 by workers from the Education, Health, Government, and Social Welfare sectors. The union is affiliated to COSATU – Congress of South African Trade Unions, which is the biggest federation in the country with 1,9 million members.

NEHAWU is part of COSATU for one strong workers' voice, to unite with workers from other progressive sections of our South African society.

NEHAWU is the biggest public sector union and the biggest in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council, a negotiations structure for public service employees in South Africa.

NEHAWU is based on the following core principles:

  • Worker control of the union;
  • Non-racialism;
  • Worker leadership;
  • Democratic decision-making through mandates and reporting back;
  • Worker solidarity: An injury to one is an injury to all!
  • International Solidarity.

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