Vergeet-My-Nie annually contributes to the success of Kovsie Rag by collecting funds for charity projects. This is very important to us. It also gives us a chance to get to know each other by working together and having fun.

Rag 2012

The year kicked off with a huge success. The first-years quickly realised that Rag is not just about 'jolly' activities. From rising early, to going to bed late at night, from pressing newspapers, they have done it all. The memories of selling the Ritsim, shaking their cans, and the Chicken run, will be with them forever. The important core idea and driving force behind RAG – to raise money for charity – a passion that each Vergeet-My-Nie lady lives.

Vergeet-My-Nie won an overall 7th place (men and women mixed).




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