J Koch
Since 1997, Jerzy Koch has been connected to the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, where he is a tenured professor and Head of the Department of Dutch and South African Studies in die Faculty of English. He was also attached to the University of Wrocław (1985-2011), where he established the Department of Modern Dutch Literature and Afrikaans within the Chair for Dutch Philosophy and which has now been taken over and led by one of his pupils.
In 1991, he was awarded a PhD in Literature and Philosophy with ‘Major Distinction’ at the Catholic University Louvain (Belgium), with his thesis on the reception of Multatuli in Poland. Since 1992, he has been occupying himself with Afrikaans and (South-) African literature.
He was a guest lecturer at the University of Debrecen (Hungary) for seven years and lectured in Olomouc, Vienna, Leiden, Bloemfontein, Stellenbosch, Curaçao and others. Since 2014, he regularly lectures and present courses for students in the so-called Dutch Antilles.
He is the author of, amongst others, the following books: Outsider onder de zijnen. Vormen van xenofanie in de Afrikaanse roman (2002), Wenus Hotentocka i inne rozprawy o literaturze południowoafrykańskiej (2008), Historia Literatury południowoafrykańskiej. Literatura afrikaans XVII-XIX wiek (2004), Historia Literatury południowoafrykańskiej. Literatura afrikaans. Okres usamodzielnienia 1900-1930 (2012), A History of South African Literature. Afrikaans Literature. Part One: From the 17th to the 19th Century (2015).
He is the author of many articles, amongst others, Spiegel der Letteren, Hollands Maandblad, Over Multatuli, Stilet, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, Acta Academica, Literator. Furthermore, he is the founder and editor in chief of the journal Werkwinkel: Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies and serves on the board of editors of LitNet.
He is also active as translator of Dutch and Afrikaans literature (Multatuli, H. Mulisch, H. Claus, H. de Coninck, A. Krog, and B. Breytenbach). In 1995, he received the Nijhoff Prize for his translation oeuvre.
Jerzy Koch (DrsLitt – University of Wroclaw, PhD - KULeuven, DLitt – University of Wroclaw) is head of the Division Dutch and South African Studies at the School of English of the A. Mickiewicz-University in Poznan. He is also chief editor and founder editor of “Werkwinkel. Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies” https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/werk/werk-overview.xml & https://voertaal.nu/poolse-tydskrif-werkwinkel-plaas-in-sy-1ste-dekade-kwart-van-bydraes-in-afrikaans/. He lectures specifically Dutch literature after 1830, colonial literature and Afrikaans and as researcher he is interested in translations, literary transfer and Afrikaans literature.
His books include Multatuli w Polsce (2000, Multatuli in Poland), Miedzy Holandia a Indonezja (2000, Between the Netherlands and Indonesia), Outsider onder de zijnen: vormen van xenofanie in de Afrikaanse roman (2002), Historia literatury poludniowoafrykanskiej. Literatura afrikaans XVII-XIX wiek (2004, History of South African literature. Afrikaans literature 17th-19th century), Wenus Hotentocka i inne rozprawy o literaturze poludniowoafrykanskiej (2008, Hottentot Venus and other essays on South African literature), A History of South African Literature: Afrikaans Literature 17th–19th centuries (2015) - https://www.vanschaiknet.com/book/view/344.
Some of the books, e.g. Outsider is available in Dutch at: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/koch003outs01
The following articles had been published in i.a. (inter alia) i.a. Spiegel der Letteren, Over Multatuli, Hollands Maandblad, Stilet, Literator, Tydskrif vir Nederlands & Afrikaans and Acta Academica.
For his translations from the Dutch literature into Polish (more than twenty books, i.a. of H. Claus, J. Bernlef, H. de Coninck, G. Kouwenaar, Lucebert, H. Mulisch, Multatuli, L. Nolens, P. Rodenko, F. Timmermans) he received the M Nijhoff-award (1995). For his endeavours in the field of neerlandistiek Dutch in Poland he received the Visser Neerlandia award in 2009. He also translated Ingrid Jonker, Antjie Krog, Breyten Breytenbach and Etienne Leroux.
Jerzy Koch is a member of the Maatschapij der Nederlandse Letterkunde in Leiden, Association of Polish authors (SPP) and is the first foreign member of the South African Academy of Science and Art (2006).
He is married to Magdalena a professor of Slavonic literatures at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.