Indicators of success

  • A total number of 355 learners and 385 students were enrolled in the programme during 2011
  • During the 2011 final National Senior Certificate examinations, a total number of 19 Physical Sciences distinctions and 133 overall distinctions were achieved by the 49 Grade 12’s attending the programme on the Bloemfontein campus – go to NEWS for more detail.
  • A total number of 355 learners and 378 students were enrolled in the programme during 2010. The significance is the fact that all the learners are achievers in Science and Mathematics and will probably pursue tertiary studies in the Sciences in the near future. During the career guidance sessions an official link between the individual learners and the University’s Unit for Prospective Students were established
  • During the 2010 final National Senior Certificate examinations, a total number of 20 Physical Sciences distinctions and 155 overall distinctions were achieved by the 57 Grade 12’s attending the programme on the Bloemfontein campus.

Unedited feedback from learners

  • "It was good, I have learned more things and I do the practical that I have never done before at my school, I really like the lab."

  • "I was feeling excited when I visit the lab, because it was the chance to me to improve my vocabulary and knowledge."

  • "Having to do all the experiments we usually do not do at school because of lack of equipment."

  • "I experienced so many things I did not realise and I felt like it was my first key to success even though I was scared but amazed on the other side."

  • "I was too excited to meet the new friends from different schools and to share some information with them and I also learnt more about physics."


Shereen Motaung
T: +27 51 401 9281


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