
Andrew Nkhoma

Doctoral Research Fellow

Research Interests: 

Alternative higher education pathways,Youth development, Human capabilities


Bertha Kibona (PhD)

Research Fellow

Research Interests: 

Higher education in Tanzania, Higher education as a public good, Higher education outputs, capability and human development approach


Carmen Martinez-Vargas (PhD)

Research Fellow

Research Interests: 

Participatory research methods, higher education practice, epistemic (in)justice, knowledge creation and transfer, philosophy of Ubuntu

Chimwemwe Phiri 

Doctoral Fellow


Research Interests: 

Climate change, Higher education, Sustainable development goals, Human development, Malawi

Daizy Shoma Nalwamba

Doctoral Research Fellow

Research Interests: 

Environmental Education, Higher Education in Zambia, Sustainable Development

Edward Mboyonga

Doctoral Research Fellow

Research Interests: 

Higher education in Zambia, Higher education privatization, capability and human development approach

Prof Enrico

Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (Prof)

Associate Member

Research Interests: 

Poverty and income inequality measurement; multidimensional approaches to poverty and well-being, capability and human development approach; fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic for well-being analysis; gender inequality, unpaid work, and female empowerment.

Fenella Somerville (PhD)

Research Fellow


Research Interests: 

Inclusive education, higher education, employability, capabilities

Judith Sikala

Doctoral Research Fellow


Research Interests: 

Virtual Learning Systems, Higher education in Zimbabwe, Student university experience

Kurauone Masungo

Doctoral Research Fellow


Research Interests: 

Higher education, Student political capabilities, Social media for university engagement


Melis Cin (Associate Prof)

Associate Member

Research Interests: 

Feminist Research, Gender equality, participatory arts and peace education.

Moffat Machiwenyika

Doctoral Fellow


Research Interests: 

Decolonisation of Higher Education, capability and human development approach, equal access, participation and success of previously excluded groups in higher education and, migration

Monica McLean (Prof)

Associate Member


Research Interests:

Higher education quality, pedagogy, knowledge acquisition and epistemic contributions

Monique Kwachou (PhD)

Associate Member

Research Interests:

Engendering higher education, educating for gender justice, African feminism(s) 

Ntimi picture

Ntimi Mtawa (PhD)

Associate Member

Research Interests: 

Universities and development particularly the broader notion of human development, community engagement, service-learning, and issues of public (common) good, social justice, citizenship, public good professionals, policy, pedagogy and students’ university experiences

Sandra Boni

Sandra Boni (Prof)

Associate Member

Research Interests: 

Human development, university, development education, international cooperation, project planning, grassroots social innovation and action research


Tendayi Marovah (PhD)

Associate Member


Research Interests: 

Curriculum and pedagogy, Higher Education, Social justice, Human development and theorising using the capability approach


Tiffany Banda (PhD)

Research Fellow


Research Interests: 

Quality and access to education, students' (dis)advantage, and alternative interventions for equity in student experience.


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