Service Learning (or: Community Service Learning)

The aim of service learning is to advance the integration of community engagement with teaching and learning.
The Service Learning division focuses on aspects specifically related to service learning as a curricular form of engagement and educational approach.
The Service Learning Division provides various forms of support for lecturers who offer service learning modules and thus endeavours to liaise closely with the Portfolio Committees for Community Engagement and Service Learning in the various faculties and on the Qwaqwa campus.
The following are regarded as the key tasks of the Service Learning Division:
Facilitation of the budgeting process with regard to service learning modules.
Support for sustainable implementation of existing service learning modules and strategic development of new ones.
Liaison with UFS staff and external partners (Non-Profit Organisations in particular).
Staff development with regard to service learning.
Working towards the promotion and inclusion of service learning in performance management and promotion criteria.
Developing mechanisms for quality management (including evaluating the impact of service learning on students and communities).
Providing institutional guidelines for risk management and ethical issues regarding service learning.
Utilisation of a web-based database for service learning for reporting purposes.
National and international liaison.
- Promoting service learning as a scholarly activity.