Education as Change: Special Issue: Community Service Learning. 2007.
Edited by Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K.
Published by the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg.
These articles can also be obtained from
Editorial: Education as Change: Community Service Learning (CSL) theory and epistemology. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):1-2.
Alperstein, M. 2007. Getting closer to the Community Voice in Curriculum Development: an Exploration of the Possibilities. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):59-67.
Bender; C.J.G. 2007. Pathways of change for integrating Community Service-Learning into the core curriculum. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):127-142.
Berman, K. 2007. A case study of Phumani Paper as a Community Engagement initiative at the University of Johannesburg. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):37-45.
Bheekie, A., Adonis, T-A & Daniels, P. 2007. Contextualising undergraduate pharmacy training in servicelearning at the University of the Western Cape. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):157-167.
Bringle, R.G. & Hatcher, J.A. 2007. Civic Engagement and Service Learning: Implications for Higher Education in America and South Africa. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):79-89.
Daniels, D. 2007. Advancing critical thinking about adult basic education through academic service learning. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):23-26.
Erasmus, M. 2007. Supporting academic staff as champions of service learning. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):109-126.
Karekezi, C.W., Wrench, W., Quinn, L., Belluigi, D. & Shrinivas S.C. 2007. Design, Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of an Introductory Service-Learning Elective for Pharmacy Students. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):143-156.
Lazarus, J. 2007. Embedding Service Learning in South African Higher Education: The Catalytic Role of the CHESP Initiative. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):91-108.
Le Grange, L. 2007. The ‘theoretical foundations’ of community service-learning: from taproots to rhizomes. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):3-13.
Mitchell, C. & Humphries, H. 2007. From notions of charity to social justice in service-learning: The complex experience of communities. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):47-58.
Nduna, N.J. 2007. The community voice on service-learning: A good practice guide for higher education. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):69-78.
Osman, R. & Attwood, G. 2007. Power and participation in and through service learning. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):15-21.
Petersen, N. 2007. Pre-service teacher education students’ engagement with care and social justice in a service learning module. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):168-181.
- Van Rensburg, W. 2007. CSL, multiliteracies, and multimodalities. In: Petersen, N., Henning, E., Van Rensburg, W. & Morgan, K. (Eds.), Education as Change, 11(3):183-189.