28 October: Remember Africa Day for Food and Nutrition on 31 October
Join the movement for a healthier and more sustainable future and remember Africa Day for Food and Nutrition on 31 October. The UFS has developed strategies that actively contribute to improving food security on campus. Five years ago, the university established the institutional Food Environment Committee (FETC) to provide guidance and recommendations to the university administration on matters relating to the food environment of the university. Some of their key strategic objectives include strengthening sustainability through more collaborative food projects and partnerships. They also aim to improve food security by increasing affordable, nutritious meal options. These also talk to the number of students supported through food bursaries, and the quantity of food items distributed through food banks. Other goals focus on ensuring dignity and inclusivity, and activating residences, student associations, and faculty organisations in the food environment programme.
#Eat&succeed #UFSFoodEnvironment #NutritionAndDietetics #Affordable #FoodSecureFuture