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02 May 2024 | Story Dr Nitha Ramnath | Photo right
UFS - Thought-Leader Webinar

2024 UFS Thought-Leader Webinar Series


a webinar titled

2024 Elections: Promises, Perils, and Delivery: What the Future Holds After 29 May 2024?

The University of the Free State (UFS) is pleased to present its first webinar for the year, titled 2024 Elections: Promises, Perils, and Delivery: What the Future Holds After 29 May 2024? – which is part of the 2024 Thought-Leader Webinar Series. As a public higher-education institution in South Africa with a responsibility to contribute to public discourse, the university will be presenting the webinar as part of the UFS Thought-Leader Series, which is in its sixth consecutive year.  The aim of the webinar series is to discuss issues facing South Africa by engaging experts at the university and in South Africa.


Webinar presented on 23 May 2024

On 29 May 2024, South Africans will go to the polls. This election is considered by South Africans as significant and much needed since the end of apartheid in 1994. South Africa is plagued by record power cuts, poor service delivery, and high levels of unemployment, with drastic effects on businesses and the local economy. Coinciding with the celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy, this seventh democratic election is a turning point for South Africa to determine the desired future for all South Africans.

Date:   Thursday 23 May 2024

Time: 12:30-14:00

RSVP:  Click to view document HERE no later than 22 May 2024.

Some of the topics discussed by leading experts in 2023 included, among others, Threats to South Africa’s stability and security challenges; The need for a global and regional plan / approach to respond to the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war; and Student protest action, politics, and higher education.



Prof Francis Petersen

Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UFS



Prof Bonang Mohale

Chancellor, UFS


Dr Ebrahim Harvey

Political writer and commentator


Bios of speakers:

Prof Bonang Mohale

Prof Bonang Mohale is the Chancellor of the University of the Free State, former President of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), Professor of Practice in the Johannesburg Business School (JBS) College of Business and Economics, and Chairman of two listed entities – the Bidvest Group Limited and ArcelorMittal, as well as SBV Services and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions! He is a member of the Community of Chairpersons (CoC) of the World Economic Forum and author of two best-selling books, Lift As You Rise and Behold The Turtle! He has been included in the Reputation Poll International’s (RPI) 2023 list of the ‘100 Most Reputable Africans’. The selection criteria are integrity, reputation, transparency, visibility, and impact. He is the recipient of the 2023 ME-Vision Academy’s ‘Exclusive Recognition in Successful Leadership’ Award for consistently leading self successfully, consistently leading people successfully, successfully leading as a senior executive and CEO, successfully leading society in various impactful roles, and his contribution to mentoring and inspiring future successful leaders.


Dr Ebrahim Harvey

Dr Ebrahim Harvey is a political writer, analyst, commentator, former Cosatu trade unionist, and Mail & Guardian columnist. He is currently a News24 columnist. He also wrote the authorised biography of former president, Kgalema Motlanthe (2012), and The Great Pretenders: Race and Class under ANC Rule (2021), which won the 2022 SA Literary Award for Non-Fiction. He holds a master’s degree in Public and Development Management and a PhD degree in Sociology, both from the University of the Witwatersrand.

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Krieket - Kovsies klop SUT

Johan de Jager - Volksblad OFSKOON die spanne nie op volsterkte was nie, was die superligawedstryd tussen die Universteit van die Vrystaat (UV) en die Sentrale Universiteit vir Tegnologie, Vrystaat (SUT), Saterdag op Tokkiepark in Bloemfontein 'n toonbeeld van goeie klubkrieket. Die Kovsies het hul onoorwonne rekord behou toe hulle met ses paaltjies geseëvier het. Hulle het die wenteiken van 233 lopies in die 48ste boulbeurt oortref. Die voormalige kaptein Gerald Fourie (95 nun) het die aanslag gelei, terwyl die wenspan se Ryan McLaren (2/46 en 46) 'n veelsydige vertoning gelewer het. McLaren het hom op 'n driekuns bevind toe hy die laaste twee paaltjies ingeoes en toe byna 'n vyftigtal gemoker het. Die tuisspan het goed begin. Hy het egter ses paaltjies in die laaste tien boulbeurte verloor. Die Kovsies het mooi herstel nadat hulle 24/2 gehad het. Die tuisspan se Dewald Pretorius het met 2/11 ná agt boulbeurte gespog . Die wedstryd op CBCOB se veld tussen die tuisspan en SUT II is ná 'n ruk se spel aanvanklik afgelas omdat toestande as te gevaarlik bestempel is, maar is later die middag hervat en oor 25 boulbeurte aan 'n kant beslis . SUT II is vir 82 lopies uitgehaal, waarna CBCOB die wenlopies behaal het met nog vier paaltjies staande . Schoemanpark was in Mangaung met vyf paaltjies aan die wenkant teen Rocklands, terwyl Polisie sy tweede agtereenvolgende nederlaag in die tweede ronde gely het nadat die Peshawars hom naelskraap met 'n paaltjie op die UV-ovaal geklop het. Die tuisspan se Ferdi Botha (116) se honderdtal het gehelp dat die Peshawars die wedstryd met nog twee aflewerings oor kon wen nadat Polisie vroeër 221/8 aangeteken het. Die beknopte telkaarte is: SUT 232 (I. O'Neill 37, H. von Rauenstein 67, G. Liebenberg 26, G. McLaren 28; C. Deacon 2/47, R. McLaren 2/46, G. Perry 2/29, C. Ingram 2/44); UV 234/4 (R. McLaren 46, G. Fourie 95 nun, C. Linde 27, E. Weirich 27 nun; D. Pretorius 2/29). Kovsies wen met ses paaltjies. SUT II 82 (J. Labuscagne 21, A. van Deventer 16; J. Chemaly 3/11, M. Mashimbyi 2/7, J. Malao 2/19); CBCOB 84/6 (M. Mashimbyi 22, T. van der Westhuizen 21, P. Stander 21; R. Daniël 2/6, R. Wessels 2/17). CBCOB wen met vier paaltjies. Rocklands 107 (D. Makopanele 22); Schoemanpark 108/5 (J. Smith 37; N. Sefuthi 2/14). Schoemanpark wen met vyf paaltjies. Polisie 221/8 (W. Nel 86, B. Hector 62; N. de Bruin 4/49, J. Mostert 1/19, R. de Kock 2/50); Peshawars 222/9 (F. Botha 116, J. Mostert 26; W. Thies 3/30, E. van Niekerk 3/43). Peshawars wen met 'n paaltjie.

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