Dr Joseph Pali
Associate Professor
Practical and Missional Theology
TLG 101
Practical and Missional Theology
IB 93
Theology Building 102

Short CV

Name                    Khamadi Joseph Pali

Cell No: 0722273490

Email: palikj@ufs.ac.za

Physical address:  107 Exton road





  1. K Schoeman, M Laubsher, J. Pali, J-A van den Berg. 2012.Practical Theology at a Public University: The road travelled and the road ahead at the University of the Free State. In: R. Venter and F Tolmie (eds). Transforming theological knowledge: Essays on theology and the university after apartheid. Bloemfontein:Sun Media, pp 127-144. ISBN:9781920382254.
  2. ii.K.J. Pali and P. Verster. 2013. The church and mission: Challenges to and perspectives from the DRCA (NGKA) in the Free State. Journal for Christian Scholarship vol 49 (3), pp 227-255. https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC147232.

    ISSN : 1013-1116.

  3. iii.K.J. Pali. 2014. Christ as once for all sacrifice: A cultural reading of Hebrews. Acta Theologica vol 34 (1), pp145-172. ISSN 2309-9089. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4314/actat.v34i1.9.
  4. Pali, K.J. 2016. Transitions in the study of leadership in Practical Theology. In: Venter, R. (ed.) Theology and (Post) Apartheid Condition. Genealogies and future directions. Bloemfontein:Sun Press, pp 188-207.
  5. Pali, K.J. 2017. Theological reflections on the ministerial challenges of the DRCA OFS in the post-apartheid South Africa. Hervormde Theological Studies, Vol 73 (2):1-12 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v73i2.4666. ISSN 2072-8050. Presented at the SPTSA conference on Decolonising Practical Theology in SA dated 18 - 20 January 2017, Stellenbosch.
  6. vi.K.J. Pali, & De La Harpe le Roux. 2018. A descriptive-analysis of the views of ordinary citizens on littering: An empirical study in the Bloemfontein Central Business District (CBD). Journal for Christian Scholarship, Vol 54 (3-4), pp 89–115. ISSN : 1013-1116. https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-139e8b77c0.
  7. vii.K.J. Pali. 2018. An analysis of conflict situations within the leadership and various structures of the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa, Orange Free State. Hervormde Theological Studies, Vol 74 (2), pp 1-11. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v74i2.4972. Proceeding of the SPTSA conference on Reforming Practical Theological Anthropology with the focus on culture, gender and violence, Pretoria, 17-19 January 2018.
  8. Pali, K.J. 2019. The leadership role of emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the social development of the South African society. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Vol.5 (1). ISSN 2413-9467. http://dx.doi.org/10.17570/stj.2019.v5n1.a13. Proceedings of the NetAct conference on Community Development, Limuru (Kenya),Date: 3-8 July 2016.
  9. Pali, K.J. 2019. The role of ministers in community development: The DRCA OFS as a case study. ActaTheologica, Vol.39 (1), pp200-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.18820/23099089/actat.v39i1.10. Proceedings of the Africa Diaconia and Community Development Conference, Stellenbosch SA), 3-5 July 2018.
  10. Pali, K.J. 2019. Congregational Leadership in an Age of Contingency. In: C.A.M. Hermans, K. Schoeman. (eds). Theology in an Age of Contingency. Mu¨nster:Lit Verlag, pp 139-156. ISBN 978-3-643-91108-7 (pb)
  11. Pali, K.J. 2020. Interaction between ministers and members of the congregations in the DRCA FS (NGKA VS). Scriptura, Vol 119 (1):pp. 1-20.

    http://dx.doi.org/10.7833/118-1-1541. Proceedings of the Conference on Religion & Racial Justice in South Africa and the United States, Soweto, from 11-15 August 2018.

  12. Pali, K.J. 2020. An analysis of the spirituality of ministers in the congregations of the DRCA FS (NGKA VS). Journal for Christian scholarship Vol 56 3&4 2020: pp 241-267
  13. Pali, K.J. and Schoeman, W.J. 2020. Markers for a contemporary ecclesiology: An African denominational perspective. In: Schoeman, W.J. (ed.). Churches in the mirror. Developing contemporary ecclesiologies.Bloemfontein:Sun Media, pp 211-236.
  14. xiv.Pali, J. and Baron, E. 2020. Congregational leadership through imitation and persua-sive speech as critical drivers for transforming congregations and society. In: Hermans, C.A.M. and Van den Berg, J-A. Battle for the Heart: International Practical Theology, Vol 22. Mu¨nster: Lit Verlag, pp 93-117.



Area(s) of Interest

1. Leadership in African Christian context

2. Congregations and their context

3. Gospel and culture studies

Courses Presented

TPMT1522: Introduction to Practical and Missional Theology

TPCL 1514 Christian Leadership in an African Context

TPTH 1724: Studies in Practical Theology and ministry.

TPCS 6804 Advanced Congregational Studies


TPCL 7900  In-depth Study in Leadership

Community Service

1. Part time minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa Free State

2. Member of the CNFS minister fraternal in the Mangaung Metro Municipality



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E: theology@ufs.ac.za

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