Associate Professor
Practical and Missional Theology
Practical and Missional Theology
Theology Building 102
Name Khamadi Joseph Pali
Cell No: 0722273490
Email: palikj@ufs.ac.za
Physical address: 107 Exton road
- K Schoeman, M Laubsher, J. Pali, J-A van den Berg. 2012.Practical Theology at a Public University: The road travelled and the road ahead at the University of the Free State. In: R. Venter and F Tolmie (eds). Transforming theological knowledge: Essays on theology and the university after apartheid. Bloemfontein:Sun Media, pp 127-144. ISBN:9781920382254.
- ii.K.J. Pali and P. Verster. 2013. The church and mission: Challenges to and perspectives from the DRCA (NGKA) in the Free State. Journal for Christian Scholarship vol 49 (3), pp 227-255. https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC147232.
ISSN : 1013-1116.
- iii.K.J. Pali. 2014. Christ as once for all sacrifice: A cultural reading of Hebrews. Acta Theologica vol 34 (1), pp145-172. ISSN 2309-9089. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4314/actat.v34i1.9.
- Pali, K.J. 2016. Transitions in the study of leadership in Practical Theology. In: Venter, R. (ed.) Theology and (Post) Apartheid Condition. Genealogies and future directions. Bloemfontein:Sun Press, pp 188-207.
- Pali, K.J. 2017. Theological reflections on the ministerial challenges of the DRCA OFS in the post-apartheid South Africa. Hervormde Theological Studies, Vol 73 (2):1-12 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v73i2.4666. ISSN 2072-8050. Presented at the SPTSA conference on Decolonising Practical Theology in SA dated 18 - 20 January 2017, Stellenbosch.
- vi.K.J. Pali, & De La Harpe le Roux. 2018. A descriptive-analysis of the views of ordinary citizens on littering: An empirical study in the Bloemfontein Central Business District (CBD). Journal for Christian Scholarship, Vol 54 (3-4), pp 89–115. ISSN : 1013-1116. https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-139e8b77c0.
- vii.K.J. Pali. 2018. An analysis of conflict situations within the leadership and various structures of the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa, Orange Free State. Hervormde Theological Studies, Vol 74 (2), pp 1-11. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v74i2.4972. Proceeding of the SPTSA conference on Reforming Practical Theological Anthropology with the focus on culture, gender and violence, Pretoria, 17-19 January 2018.
- Pali, K.J. 2019. The leadership role of emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the social development of the South African society. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Vol.5 (1). ISSN 2413-9467. http://dx.doi.org/10.17570/stj.2019.v5n1.a13. Proceedings of the NetAct conference on Community Development, Limuru (Kenya),Date: 3-8 July 2016.
- Pali, K.J. 2019. The role of ministers in community development: The DRCA OFS as a case study. ActaTheologica, Vol.39 (1), pp200-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.18820/23099089/actat.v39i1.10. Proceedings of the Africa Diaconia and Community Development Conference, Stellenbosch SA), 3-5 July 2018.
- Pali, K.J. 2019. Congregational Leadership in an Age of Contingency. In: C.A.M. Hermans, K. Schoeman. (eds). Theology in an Age of Contingency. Mu¨nster:Lit Verlag, pp 139-156. ISBN 978-3-643-91108-7 (pb)
- Pali, K.J. 2020. Interaction between ministers and members of the congregations in the DRCA FS (NGKA VS). Scriptura, Vol 119 (1):pp. 1-20.
http://dx.doi.org/10.7833/118-1-1541. Proceedings of the Conference on Religion & Racial Justice in South Africa and the United States, Soweto, from 11-15 August 2018.
- Pali, K.J. 2020. An analysis of the spirituality of ministers in the congregations of the DRCA FS (NGKA VS). Journal for Christian scholarship Vol 56 3&4 2020: pp 241-267
- Pali, K.J. and Schoeman, W.J. 2020. Markers for a contemporary ecclesiology: An African denominational perspective. In: Schoeman, W.J. (ed.). Churches in the mirror. Developing contemporary ecclesiologies.Bloemfontein:Sun Media, pp 211-236.
- xiv.Pali, J. and Baron, E. 2020. Congregational leadership through imitation and persua-sive speech as critical drivers for transforming congregations and society. In: Hermans, C.A.M. and Van den Berg, J-A. Battle for the Heart: International Practical Theology, Vol 22. Mu¨nster: Lit Verlag, pp 93-117.
1. Leadership in African Christian context
2. Congregations and their context
3. Gospel and culture studies
TPMT1522: Introduction to Practical and Missional Theology
TPCL 1514 Christian Leadership in an African Context
TPTH 1724: Studies in Practical Theology and ministry.
TPCS 6804 Advanced Congregational Studies
TPCL 7900 In-depth Study in Leadership
1. Part time minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa Free State
2. Member of the CNFS minister fraternal in the Mangaung Metro Municipality