2019 2018
The Fantasticals

Description: 2019 The Fantasticals Tags: 2019 The FantasticalsScript by: Annebelle Smit
Directed by: Annebelle Smit
Venue:  Scaena Rehearsal Room Theatre, UFS-Main Campus
Language: English 
Genre: Children's Theatre

Dates and Times:
22 May @ 10:00
22 May @ 12:00
23 May @ 10:00
23 May @ 12:00
24 May @ 11:00
24 May @ 18:00
25 May @ 11:00

Price:  R 25.00 per person and/or R20.00 per person for groups of 10 or more.
Bookings:  Computicket (0861 915 8000)
Group Bookings: Karen Combrinck ((051) 401 2160)

The Fantasticals are a group of little people created by a Puppet maker. He created each of the Fantasticals in a unique and special way. Unfortunately, two little rascals, decided to create stickers and dots whereby the Fantasticals labelled and judged each other. Norman desperately wants stickers, but struggles to earn them, until the Puppet Maker showed him that love is more important than stickers.


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