Van Zyl E, Nel P and Mokuoane M
The effect of work stress and emotional intelligence on self-leadership among nurses in leadership positions in the Lesotho ministry of Health and Social Welfare. AFRICA JOURNAL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY.

Van Zyl E, Mathafena R and Ras J
The development of a talent management framework for the private sector. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.

Nel P and Kotze M
The influence of psychological resources on mineworkers' levels of burnout in a remote and isolated mining town in South Africa. EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES AND SOCIETY.

Kotze M and Nel P
Personal factor effects on authentic leadership. JOUNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA.

Pienaar JW and Nel P
A conceptual framework for understanding leader self-schemas and the influence of those self-schemas on the integration of feedback. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.


Boshoff A and Nel P
Evaluating the factor structure of the General Self-Efficacy Scale. SA JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY

Pienaar JW and Cilliers F
The Janus effect: Contradictory demands places on the academic chairperson. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION

Kotze M and Nel P
The psychometric properties of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI) as measures of mindfulness and their relationship with burnout and work engagement. SA JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY


Van Zyl E

The improvement of cultural intelligence among leaders: An African focus. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY (Delhi).

Kotze M and Nel P Factorial invariance of the Rahim emotional quotient index. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA.

Kotze M and Nel P
The influence of trait-emotional intelligence on authentic leadership. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.

Van Biljon L, Nel P and Roos V
A partial validation of the WHOQOL-OLD in a sample of older people in South Africa. GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION.

Setai SB, Buitendach JH, and Kanengoni H
The moderating role of psychological capital in the relationship between job stress and the outcomes of incivility and job involvement among call centre employees. SA JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY.

Hansen A, Buitendach JH, Kanengoni H
Psychological capital, subjective well-being, burnout and job satisfaction among educators in the Umlazi region in South Africa: original research. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.

Nel P, Van Zyl ES
Assessing the psychometric properties of the revised and abbreviated self-leadership questionnaires. SA Journal of Human Resource Management.

Nel P
The influence of emotional intelligence and trust on servant leadership. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology.

Nel P
Comparing different versions of the Rahim El questionnaire in a South African context: a confirmatory facto analysis approach. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology.

Nel P
Student nurses' expectations of service quality versus actual experiences of a simulation at a higher education institution. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.


Van Zyl ES
The role of self-leadership in becoming an ethical lader in the South African work context. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS.

Kleynhans R, Kotzé M
Die verandering van houdings teenoor persone met fisieke gestremdhede: 'n vernuwende intervensie vir die werksplek. TYDSKRIF VIR GEESTESWETENSKAPPE.

Nel P and Boshoff A
Factorial invariance of the adult state hope scale. SA JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY.

Achadinha NMJ, Jama LL and Nel P
The drivers of consumers' intention to redeem a push mobile coupon. BEHAVIOUR and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

Boshoff E, Kotzé M and Nel P
The development and initial validation of the work convictions questionnaire (WCQ) to measure approaches to ethical decision making in the workplace: part 2. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS.

Chikoko GL, Buitendach JH and Kanengoni H
The psychological conditions that predict work engagement among tertiary education employees. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA.

Pillay K, Buitendach JH and Kanengoni H
Psychological capital, job demands, and organisational commitment of employees in a call centre in Durban, South Africa. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.

Cilliers F and Pienaar JW
The career psychology experiences of academic department chairpersons at a South African university. SOUTH AFRICAN BUSINESS REVIEW.


Kotzé M and Nel P

Psychometric properties of the adult resilience indicator. SA JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY

Kotzé M and Kleynhans R

Psychological resources as predictors of first-year students’ academic performance. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA.

Kotzé M and Niemann SM

Psychological resources as predictors of academic performance of first-year students in higher education. ACTA ACADEMICA.

Kotzé M and Kleynhans R

Psychological resource capacities (hope, optimism, and resilience) as predictors of burnout in first-year students in higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION

Kotzé M and Steyn L

The role of psychological factors in workplace safety. ERGONOMICS

Griessel L
Post-Jungian understandiing of the counter-dependant Puella Aeterna (Eternal Girl) as psychological pattern in women. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES


Van Zyl ES
The relationship between self-leadership and certain personality traits among a group of first-line supervisors. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES
Van Zyl ES
Self-leadership: the way forward for African managers? AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Van Zyl ES and Van Zyl E
The management of work stress with the aid of certain personality variables in middle management personnel. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

Markham L and Van Zyl ES
The effect of gender and ethnicity on the job satisfaction of a group of human resource management employees employed in a municipality. JOURNAL OF NEW GENERATION SCIENCES

Van Zyl ES and Lazenby JAA
The role of leadership in reducing unethical behaviour and white-collar crime in an organisational context. ACTA CRIMINOLOGICA

Gainsford JP, Van Zyl ES
Die doeltreffendheid van talentbestuursprogramme in uitgesoekte Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies. SA JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

Kotzé M and Lamb S
The influence of personality traits and resilience on burnout among customer service representatives in a call centre. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

Kotzé M and Griessel L
A post-Jungian perspective on the psychological development of Afrikaner cultural identity. KOERS

Van Zyl ES
Utilising human resource management in developing an ethical corporate culture. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSUNESS ETHICS


Bester CL and Pienaar JW
The impact of burnout on the intention to quit among professional nurses in the Free State region – a national crisis. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY

Kotze M and Venter I
Differences in emotional intelligence between effective and ineffective leaders in the public sector: an empirical study. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES

Van Zyl ES and Van Zyl E
A qualitative study looking at the possible influence of stress on school readiness and school performance among disadvantaged early learners in South Africa. SA-EDUC

Van Zyl ES, Kleynhans R and Du Plessis M
Understanding and approaching the cultural gap between first world leaders and their world workforce: an African focus. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Boshoff E and Kotze M
The conceptualisation and measurement of philosophical approaches that influence ethical decision-making in the work context. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS

Pienaar JW
What lurks beneath leadership ineffectiveness? A theoretical overview. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Boshoff E and Van Zyl ES
The relationship between locus of control and ethical behaviour among employees in the financial sector. KOERS


Van Zyl ES and Boshoff E
The relationship between ethical behaviour and self-concept among a group of secondary school teachers in the Northern Cape. ACTA CRIMINOLOGICA

Griessel L and Kotze M
The influence of Afrikaner cultural identity on white Afrikaner women’s identity, archetypal images, and modes of consciousness in South Africa: a post-Jungian perspective. ACTA ACADEMIA

Kleynhans R, Kotze M
Bestuurders en werknemers se houding teenoor persone met fisieke gestremdhede in die werkplek. TYDSKRIF VIR GEESTESWETENSKAPPE

Pienaar JW
Power can cause self-deception: Are SA leaders in positions of power guilty of deceiving themselves? HR Future

Kotze M and Venter I
Differences in self-monitoring between effective and ineffective leaders in the public sector: an empirical study. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES

Kotze M and Venter I
Emotional intelligence as predictor of leadership effectiveness: An empirical study. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES


Bester CL and Engelbrecht MC
Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of professional nurses in primary health care facilities in the Free State Province of South Africa. AFRICA JOURNAL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY

Pienaar JW
Is die akademiese werksbedeling steeds volhoubaar? TYDSKRIF VIR GEESTESWETENSKAPPE

Pienaar JW and Bester CL
Ways in which the career obstacles of academics within a changing higher education work environment can be addressed: The perspectives of academics. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY

Griessel L and Kotze M
The feminine and the masculine in the development of the self in women – a post-Jungian perspective. WOMEN`S STUDIES. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL

Pienaar JW
The role of self-deception in leadership ineffectiveness – a theoretical overview. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY

Bester CL, Boshoff E
Bestuurders in die openbare sektor se persepsies van die toepaslikheid van toetreders tot die arbeidsmark se opleiding en ontwikkeling. TYDSKRIF VIR GEESTESWETENSKAPPE

Ndlangamandla D
The perceived impact of quality of supervision on employees’ job satisfaction: a case study of Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIVERSITY IN ORGANISATIONS, COMMUNITIES and NATIONS

Pienaar JW
Self-deception and blindspots. PEOPLE DYNAMICS

Pienaar JW
My boss is simply a jerk. CAREER SUCCESS


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