
Bertha holds a Bachelor Degree in Banking and Finance and a Master's Degree in Finance and Investment from the Institute of Finance Management (IFM) in Tanzania. With a background in finance and investment, Bertha has developed an interest and passion about the value of investing in university education from a capability approach. Her research interests include among other things, public good benefits of universities generated through the ways in which universities train and produce graduates to become contributors to the well-being of broader society.


Internationally, the values and/or benefits of higher education and particularly universities continue to receive special attention in the literature and among policy makers. This is due to among other things the increasing realization that universities are critical in advancing the knowledge economy, enhancing the chances of better lives for individuals and contribute to the well-being of society. As such, two perspectives, namely human capital and human development dominate the debate of values of universities. This study builds on and contribute to the human development perspective and argues that the universities ought to advance benefits, which cannot be quantified but are equally important in enhancing the well-being of individuals and society. Thus, the study explores perceptions of the value of university education among students. The study uses one flagship university in Tanzania as a case study. The study is situated within the mixed method approach and includes methods such as interviews, document analysis, and questionnaires. The focus will be on final-year students in the fields of economics (=30), education (=30), sociology (=30) and engineering (=30). The study intends to apply a capability approach developed by Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum and taken up by multiple authors as a conceptual/theoretical framework in interpreting and theorizing the values of universities among students. The study aims to contribute to the debate, policy and practices regarding the broader values of university for individuals and for flourishing societies.  

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