
Fenella’s undergraduate qualifications from Stellenbosch University and UCT took her into a career in education. From a base of high school teaching of Geography and Physical Education, she then specialised in teaching learners with intellectual disabilities. Working on the principle that in order to effectively prepare young people for the world of work requires the educator to know and understand that world, she took some time out of the classroom and got an opportunity in the media industry where she was able to combine her love for sport and working with people as the production manager of a cycling magazine.

After several years, her re-entry into education saw a move into higher education, specifically private higher education. She was appointed Academic Head and her responsibilities included academic staff management and development, programme development, and quality assurance, as well as student counselling and career support with a focus on experiential and work-integrated learning.

She has a Master’s in Education from the University of the Witwatersrand specialising in Inclusive Education. It was here she discovered the capability approach, which was a natural fit for her profession of preparing students for work and life beyond the institution, and her research interest in education that is inclusive and contributes towards addressing issues of transformation and social justice in South Africa. The capability approach also frames her doctoral research, which focuses on the capabilities for employability of media graduates from private higher-education institutions.

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