UFS Africa Reparations Hub


The UFS Africa Reparations Hub (UFSARH) constitutes itself as a premier legal, academic and transdisciplinary forum to adhere and consolidate the presently fragmented African reparations narrative. UFSCAR anchors and reinforces the Africa Reparations Agenda of the African Union. UFSCAR supports the increased reparations awareness and activism of African government, non-government, civil society and individual actors through grounding relevant political, diplomatic, normative and academic activities and initiatives. UFSARH provides a Pan-African centre for Africa reparations research, teaching, policy and advocacy. UFSARH is a national, regional and international centre for prosecuting, promoting and facilitating Pan-African led and sustained reparations scholarship, policy and advocacy. UFSARH convenes the UFSARH Panel of Experts on Africa Reparations (PEAR).

UFSARH is a platform for academic inquiry and policy advocacy to advance the Africa Reparations Agenda. UFSARH includes an information archive and resource repository (IARR) of leading Africa reparations research, scholarship and thought. UFSARH mediates and facilitates the increased awareness and prosecution of African reparations claims to remedy centuries of enslavement, apartheid, colonialism, neo-colonialism and economic exploitation and extortion. UFSARH facilitates a global egalitarianism and social justice where effective reparations redress helps to actualise continental and diasporic African demands for equality, freedom and dignity. UFSARH contributes, indirectly and directly, to the expansive and cosmopolitan ambition entailed in Vision 130 of the University of the Free State.

The UFSARH vision is to be an international academic forum to institutionalise, promote and advance the Africa Reparations Agenda. The UFSARH mission anchors the Africa Reparations Agenda through scholarship and advocacy. UFSARH is underpinned by the values and principles of excellence, ubuntu, social justice, African-centredness and Pan-African epistemological grounding of all its initiatives, operations, activities and undertakings. 


UFSARH is an international academic forum to institutionalise, promote and advance the Africa Reparations Agenda. The Centre creates awareness of the claim to reparation for centuries of enslavement, apartheid, colonialism, neo-colonialism, exploitation. The Centre pursues a global egalitarianism and social justice where African people and people of African descent can attain equality, freedom, dignity


UFSARH anchors the African reparation agenda through scholarship and advocacy


UFSARH is underpinned by the values and principles of excellence, ubuntu, social justice, African-centredness and Pan-African epistemological grounding in all its initiatives, operations, activities and undertakings

Structure and Governance

UFSARH commences operations as an information archive and resource repository located and governed in the Department of Public Law and Faculty of Law of the University of the Free State. UFSARH is established as a wider intellectual, academic, national, regional and international centre for prosecuting, promoting and facilitating Pan-African led and sustained reparations scholarship, policy and advocacy. UFSARH is a non-governmental organisation within the Faculty of Law of the University of the Free State. UFSARH is responsible to the UFS Faculty of Law and Department of Public Law through an advisory board that includes the Head of the Department of Public Law and the Dean of the Faculty of Law.



T: +27 51 401 2451
F: + 27 51 401 3043

E: law@ufs.ac.za

Equitas Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

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