
It is imperative to contact the Department of Communication and Marketing in all instances to obtain permission to photograph and record any indoor spaces, such as administrative and office buildings, laboratories, classrooms, residences, private or public eating areas.

News photographers, videographers, and broadcasters are welcome to photograph and record in outdoor areas, though, but the Department of Communication and Marketing still needs to be aware of this.

Permission must also be obtained for advertisement promotions and other commercial ventures taking place on any of the campuses, regardless of being in- or outdoors.

To obtain permission for the rendition of any images on the campuses, the following prerequisites must be complied with:

  • Submit a written request to the Department of Communication and Marketing with a detailed description of the project as well as what the material will be used for.
  • The letter must also contain information regarding the place to be visited, dates, times, length of time, the amount of people and vehicles that will be part of the proposed project (if applicable), as well as a list of UFS-related material that will be used.
  • Requests for ventures that interfere with the university’s academic task or with student life, will not be approved.
  • Applications for the use of the university’s name, names of endearment, buildings or units when taking photos, film or video footage on the university’s campuses for commercial and/or entertainment purposes, should be directed to the Department of Communication and Marketing. The UFS may not be identified during any other time in the completed product.

Enquiries and requests may be directed to:
Lacea Loader
Director: Communication and Marketing
T: +27 51 401 3422
C: +27 83 645 2454

Photographers for graduation ceremonies and special events

A large number of photographers visit the UFS campuses during graduation ceremonies or during photo shoots for families, weddings, matric farewells, etc.

The UFS has put regulations in place to exert greater control and security when these photographers visit the Bloemfontein Campus.

Photographers at graduation ceremonies solicit graduandi and their parents to take photos of their own accord and are not in the employ of the UFS.

Henceforth, photographers need to request permission to take photos on the campus terrains at least 15 days (for special events) and five workdays (for graduation ceremonies) prior to the start of the relevant occasion.

In the event of graduation ceremonies, the successful applicants will have to pay a registration fee.

No registration fee is required for special events, but guests will be subject to certain rules (for example, no music or alcohol and a maximum of 20 people per group).

Application forms for graduation ceremonies and photo sessions are available at:

Application form: Graduation ceremony
Application form: Special events

For more information, contact us at:

+27 51 401 3502 or (graduation ceremonies) and

+27 51 401 3369 or (special events)

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