The University of the Free State (UFS) welcomes the news media to its campuses. However, the news media cannot indiscriminately access grounds, buildings, activities or restricted areas. Access to buildings, areas, and events may be denied depending on the academic programme of the university, as well as during an emergency, crisis or unusual contingency.

To assist the news media with visits to the campuses and obtaining permission to enter buildings and facilities, photograph and record indoor spaces such as administrative and office buildings, laboratories, classrooms, residences, private or public eating areas, the Department of Communication and Marketing (CMD)  must be contacted for permission and accreditation. This includes interviews with staff or students in whatever format, as well as advertising promotions and other commercial ventures taking place on any of the campuses, regardless of being in- or outdoors.
2. Procedure

To obtain permission, the following prerequisites must be complied with:
•    Submit a written request to CMD at with a detailed description of the project as well as what the material will be used for.

•    The letter must also contain information regarding the place to be visited, dates, times, length of time, the number of people and vehicles that will be part of the proposed project (if applicable), as well as a list of UFS-related material that will be used.

•    Requests for ventures that interfere with the university’s academic task or with student life, will not be approved.

•    Applications for the use of the university’s name, names of endearment, buildings or units when taking photos, film or video footage on the university’s campuses for commercial and/or entertainment purposes, may only be done with the consent of CMD. The UFS may not be identified during any other time in the completed product.

3. Accreditation

Staff at the Visitors Centre of the Bloemfontein Campus must be notified in advance by CMD when news reporters and/or photographers will be visiting the campus. When arriving at the Bloemfontein Campus for the rendition of any images on the campus, the following must be done:
•    News reporters and/or photographers must state the reason for their visit and obtain a visitor’s card from the Visitors Centre in DF Malherbe Avenue (Gate 5).
•    From there, they will be directed to the offices of CMD, where an accreditation card(s) will be issued.
•    In most cases, a staff member from CMD will accompany news reporters and/or photographers to the venue where the filming/rendering of images will take place.
•    Accreditation cards must be returned once the filming/rendering of images is completed.

A similar protocol will be followed when news reporters and/or photographers visit the Qwaqwa or South Campuses.

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