Several technical farm components can be evaluated by means of FARMS. A manager is able to determine, for example, whether his mechanisation system is capable of completing the planned cultivation actions in time. In addition to enterprise budgets and the traditional financial statements, the computer program also generates a credit-flow statement. The latter represents a cooperative or banking account for production input credit.
This program can, among others, be employed to:
- generate technical as well as economic mechanisation, irrigation, and labour reports;
- compile enterprise budgets up to margin above specified costs;
- produce financial reports, including a credit-flow statement of the production loan;
- economically evaluate different investments or enterprises; and
- evaluate rotation systems and other alternatives at whole-farm level.
The properties that render the computer program faster and more flexible are:
- changeable cost categories for enterprise budgets and financial statements;
- central updating of recurring input and product prices;
- a mechanisation system so that machines used in more than one enterprise, only need to be typed in once;
- an overhead cash flow for income and expenses that could not be handled anywhere else;
- both a banking account and an overdraft facility for production inputs;
- a summary of the main enterprise inputs make changes quick and easy;
- speedy recalculation of results if program inputs are modified; and
- a comprehensive user‘s guide and accompanying help function;
- speedy recalculation of altered input data; and
- a comprehensive help function and user's guide.
FARMS user's guide