Mobile applications (cell phone apps) have been developed to record information on predation and predation management. Livestock or wildlife losses due to predators and other causes, and control of damage causing predators can be recorded in the field, as it happens. Read more about it in the document:
Mobile applications for recording predation management information.
Until recently, the software was available for use only to devices (cell phones, tablets, PDAs) running Android operating systems. But the software is now also available for use on Apple devices. Researchers or farmers interested in launching predation management programmes in their area are welcome to contact us for more information.
The PMC contributed to a series of articles covering predation in the Landbouweekblad during 2020:
- In the 27 August 2020 edition, an article titled "Roofdierbestuur tydens die inperking: pas nou beproefde praktyke toe" focuses on farmers’ knowledge to effectively manage predation on their farms amid Covid-19 lockdown regulations. Some of the most commonly used predation management methods are discussed and the value of knowledge of the behaviour and ecology of different predator species to effectively manage predation is highlighted. The article also reiterates the role of government and the importance of cooperation among farmers to reduce predation over large areas and in the long run.
- In the 24 September 2020 edition, an article covers the recently developed research methodology which was designed to take predation management research in South Africa forward. The methodology was designed to collect standardised, long-term scientific information over large areas to help us better understand the impact of predators on livestock farming and wildlife ranching, as well as the effectiveness of current predation management practices in reducing or limiting predation in specific areas. The article highlights the importance of a national framework with a strong social science presence for future human-predator conflict research for the methodology to reach its full potential.
Prof HO de Waal has also described:
The PMiC was represented at the Predation Management Forum's Annual General Meetings from 2017 to 2021.
The role and progress of the PMC was presented to the Free State Hunters' Association (Predator Control Branch) at a meeting held at the Centre in October 2018.
Information Sessions
Steynsrus District Farmers' Association's annual general meeting 2019: a presentation was delivered on the behaviour and ecology of black-backed jackal, and its role in managing predation by black-backed jackal as part of the "Outdoor expo and predator control" theme of the meeting.
Delivered a presentation on a Management Information System and mobile applications for reporting on predation management at the 27th RPO Congress and Conference in September 2018.
Presentations were delivered on the need for coordinated predation management and information at the 51st SASAS Congress in June 2019.
Attended the launch of the Scientific Assessment on Livestock Predation and its Management in South Africa in November 2018.
Attended the the Predation Management Forum's "Predation Workshop: Training and Research", hosted at the Nelson Mandela University, Centre for African Conservation Ecology (ACE) in Port Elizabeth in February 2019.