Associate Professor
Department Plant Sciences
Natural & Agricultural Sciences 2006
Subject Head and Associate Professor in Plant Sciences
Treasurer of the South African Association of Botanists
Associate Editor for American Journal of Botany
Associate Editor for South African Journal of Botany
C2 NRF rated researcher
DHET FPP Cohort 1 member
Research interests:
From discovering lizard pollination on continental Africa, filming mice dispersing seeds of invasive plants, studying climate change on the top of the Northern Drakensberg, to recording bird calls in montane wetlands; my research spans multiple fields in the ecological sciences. With collaborations across South Africa, Europe and the United States of America, I strive to use natural history and experimental biology to uncover evolutionary trends in plant and animal traits that shape interactions between these groups. I am part of a high elevation weeds group with the Centre for Biological Control, a member of the first cohort of the DHET Future Professors Programme, a Y1-rated NRF researcher, on the editorial boards of South African Journal of Botany and American Journal of Botany, and teach plant taxonomy, vegetation ecology and advanced biostatistics to final year and Honours BSc students.
- Steenhuisen, S.L., R.A. Raguso, A. Jürgens & S.D. Johnson. 2010. Variation in scent emission among floral parts and inflorescence developmental stages in beetle-pollinated Protea species (Proteaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 76: 779-787. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Steenhuisen, S.L. and S.D. Johnson. 2012. Evidence for autonomous selfing in grassland Protea species (Proteaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 169: 433–446. (IF = 2.828; Q2; 89/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.80)
- Steenhuisen, S.L. and S.D. Johnson. 2012. Evidence for beetle pollination in the African grassland sugarbushes (Protea: Proteaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 298: 857–869. (IF = 1.644; Q3; 149/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.42)
- Steenhuisen, S.L. and S.D. Johnson. 2012. The influence of pollinators and seed predation on seed production in dwarf grassland Protea “sugarbushes” (Proteaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 79: 77-83. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Steenhuisen, S.L., H. van der Bank and S.D. Johnson. 2012. The relative contributions of insect and bird pollinators to outcrossing in an African Protea (Proteaceae). American Journal of Botany. 99(6): 1104–1111. (3.325; Q2; 72/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.98)
- Steenhuisen, S.L., R.A. Raguso and S.D. Johnson. 2012. Floral scent in bird- and beetle-pollinated Protea species (Proteaceae): chemistry, emission rates and function. Phytochemistry. 84: 78–87. (IF 4.004; Q1; 53/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.90)
- De Vega, C., B. Guzman, M-A. Lachance, S-L. Steenhuisen, S.D. Johnson and C.M. Herrera. 2012. Metschnikowia proteae sp. nov., a nectarivorous insect-associated yeast species from Africa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 62: 2538–2545. (IF = 2.689; Q4; 106/136 Microbiology; JCI = 0.55)
- Steenhuisen, S.L., A. Jürgens & S.D. Johnson. 2013. Effects of volatile compounds emitted by Protea species (Proteaceae) on antennal electrophysiological responses and attraction of cetoniine beetles. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39 (3): 438-446. (IF = 2.793; Q3; 90/173 Ecology; JCI = 0.58)
- De Vega, C., B. Guzman, S-L. Steenhuisen, S.D. Johnson, C.M. Herrera and M-A. Lachance. 2014 Metschnikowia drakensbergensis sp. nov. and Metschnikowia caudata sp. nov., two endemic yeasts associated with Protea flowers in South Africa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 64: 3724-3732. (IF = 2.689; Q4; 106/136 Microbiology; JCI = 0.55)
- Steenhuisen, S.L., A. Balmer, K. Zoeller, N. Kuhn, J. Midgley, D. Hansen and S.D. Johnson. 2015. Carnivorous mammals feed on nectar of Protea species (Proteaceae) in South Africa and likely contribute to their pollination. African Journal of Ecology. 53(4): 602-605. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12225 (IF = 0.923; Q4; 156/173 Ecology; JCI = 0.26)
- Midgley, J.J., L.M. Kruger, S. Viljoen, A. Bijl, S.L. Steenhuisen. 2015. Fruit and seed traits of the elephant-dispersed African savanna plant Balanites maughamii. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31 (6): 557-561. (IF = 1.800; Q4; 133/173 Ecology; JCI = 0.38)
- Zoeller, K.C., S.-L. Steenhuisen, S.D. Johnson, J.J. Midgley. 2016. New evidence for mammal pollination of Protea species (Proteaceae) based on remote-camera analysis. Australian Journal of Botany. 64(1): 1-7. (IF = 1.505; Q3; 157/238 Plant Sciences; JCR = 0.38)
- Bouman, R., S.L. Steenhuisen, and T. van der Niet. 2017. The role of the pollination niche in community assembly of Erica species in a biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Plant Ecology. 10(4): 634-648. (IF = 1.780; Q3; 37/69 Forestry; JCI = 0.57)
- Zoeller, K.C., J.J. Midgley, S.D. Johnson, and S.-L. Steenhuisen. 2017. Floral biology and breeding systems of geoflorous Protea species (Proteaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 112: 452-459. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Hobbhahn, N., S.-L. Steenhuisen, T. Olsen, J.J. Midgley and S.D. Johnson. 2017 Pollination and breeding system of the enigmatic South African parasitic plant Mystropetalon thomii (Mystropetalaceae): rodents welcome, but not needed. Plant Biology. 19: 775-786. (IF = 3.877; Q1; 58/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.86)
- De Vega, C., R.G. Albaladejo, B. Guzmán, S.-L. Steenhuisen, S.D. Johnson, C.M. Herrera, and M.-A. Lachance. 2017. Flowers as a reservoir of yeast diversity: description of Wickerhamiella nectarea f.a. sp. nov., and Wickerhamiella natalensis f.a. sp. nov. from South African flowers and pollinators, and transfer of related Candida species to the genus Wickerhamiella as new combinations. FEMS Yeast Research. 17(5): fox054. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsyr/fox054. (IF = 2.923; Q3; 103/158 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; JCI = 0.60)
- Kuhn, N., J.J. Midgley and S.-L. Steenhuisen. 2017. Reproductive biology of three co-occurring, primarily small-mammal pollinated Protea species (Proteaceae). South African Journal of Botany. 113: 337-345. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Ollerton, J., Liede-Schumann, S., Endress, M. E., Meve, U, Rech, A.R., Shuttleworth, A., Keller, H.A., Fishbein, M., Alvarado-Cárdenas, L.O., Amorim, F.W., Bernhardt, P., Celep, F., Chirango, Y., Chiriboga-Arroyo, F., Civeyrel, L., Cocucci, A., Cranmer, L., da Silva-Batista, I.C., de Jager, L., Deprá, M.S., Domingos-Melo, A., Dvorsky, C., Agostini, K., Freitas, L., Gaglianone, M.C., Galetto, L., Gilbert, M., González-Ramirez, I., Gorostiague, P., Goyder, D., Hachuy-Filho, L., Heiduk, A., Howard, A., Ionta, G., Islas-Hernández, S.C., Johnson, S.D., Joubert, L., Kaiser-Bunbury, C., Kephart, S., Kidyoo, A., Koptur, S., Koschnitzke, C., Lamborn, E., Livshultz, T., Machado, I.C., Marino, S., Mema, L., Mochizuki, K., Morellato, L.P.C., Mrisha, C.K., Muiruri, E., Nakahama, N., Nascimento, V.T., Nuttman, C., Oliveira, P.E., Peter, C.I., Punekar, S., Rafferty, N., Rapini, A., Ren, Z-X., Rodríguez-Flores, C.I., Rosero, L., Sakai, S., Sazima, M., Steenhuisen, S-L., Tan, C-W., Torres, C., Trøjelsgaard, K., Ushimaru, A., Vieira, M.F., Wiemer, A.P., Yamashiro, Tarcila, N., Queiroz, J., and Z. Quirino. 2019. The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study. Annals of Botany. 123(2): 311-325. (IF = 5.040; Q1; 34/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 1.24)
- Cozien, R., T. van der Niet, S.D. Johnson and S.L. Steenhuisen. 2019. Saurian surprise: lizards pollinate South Africa’s enigmatic ‘hidden flower’. Ecology. 100(6): e02670. (IF = 6.431; Q1; 22/173 in Ecology; JCI = 1.36)
- Chirango, Y., S.L. Steenhuisen, P.V. Bruyns, J.J. Midgley and A. Shuttleworth. 2019. The March fly and the ant: the unusual pollination system of Eustegia minuta (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae). Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 13(5): 745-755. (IF = 2.409; Q2; 32/100 Entomology; JCI = 0.70)
- Akinnuoye-Adelabu, D.B., S. Steenhuisen, and E. Bredenhand. 2019. Improving pea quality with vermicompost tea and aqueous biochar: Prospects for sustainable farming in Southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany. 123: 278-285. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Van der Niet, T., K. Pires and S. Steenhuisen. 2020. Flower constancy of the Cape honey bee pollinator of two co-flowering Erica species from the Cape Floristic Region (South Africa). South African Journal of Botany. 132: 1-7. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Mapaura, A., K. Canavan, D.M. Richardson, V.R. Clark and S. Steenhuisen. 2020. The invasive grass genus Nassella in South Africa: A synthesis. South African Journal of Botany. 135: 336-348. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Chari, L.D, Martin, G.D., Steenhuisen, S., Adams, L.D., & Clark, V.R. 2020. The Biology of Invasive Plants. 1. Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K. Schneid. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 13: 120–142. (IF = 1.333; Q3; 173/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.32)
- Chikowore, G., Steenhuisen, S., Mutamiswa, R., Martin, G.D., & Chidawanyika, F. 2021. Integration of invasive tree, black locust, into agro-ecological flower visitor networks induces competition for pollination services. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 15(5): 787-796. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-021-09851-3 (IF = 2.409; Q2; 32/100 Entomology; JCI = 0.70)
- Marivate, V., Aghoghovwia, P., Ismail, Y., Mahomed-Asmail, F., Steenhuisen, S. 2021. The Fourth Industrial Revolution – what does it mean to our future faculty? South African Journal of Science. 117(5/6): 1-3. https://doi. org/10.17159/sajs.2021/10702 (IF = 2.134; Q3; 41/73 Multidisciplinary Sciences; JCI = 0.46)
- Clark, V.R., Mukwada, G., Hansen, M., Adelabu, S., Magaiza, G., le Roux, A., Bredenhand, E., Voua Otomo, P., Steenhuisen, S., Franke, A., van Tol, J., Mathinya, N., & Makombe, R. 2021. The Afromontane Research Unit: Driving Connections and Capacity Building for the Sustainable Development of Southern African Mountains. Mountain Research and Development. 41(2): P1-P5. https://doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-21-00038.1 (IF = 1.506; Q4; 253/279 Environmental Sciences; JCI = 0.29)
- de Vega, C., Álvarez-Pérez, S., Albaladejo, R.G., Steenhuisen, S., Lachance, M-A., Johnson, S.D., & Herrera, C.M. 2021. The role of plant–pollinator interactions in structuring nectar microbial communities. Journal of Ecology. 109(9): 3379-3395. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1365-2745.13726 (IF = 6.381; Q1; 23/173 Ecology; 21/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 1.60)
- Adams, L.D., Martin, G.D., Downs, C.T., Clark, V.R., Thabethe, V., Raji, I.A., Steenhuisen, S. 2022. Seed dispersal by frugivores and germination of the invasive alien shrub Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K. Schneid. in Free State Province, South Africa. Biological Invasions. Online:1-11. IF = 3.608; Q2; 17/65 Biodiversity Conservation; JCI = 0.82)
- Masole, P., Steenhuisen, S., Martin, G.D. 2022. Current status of the invasive shrub Berberis julianae C.K. Schneid. (Berberidaceae) in Golden Gate Highlands National Park (Free State Province, South Africa). South African Journal of Botany. 150: 99-105. (IF = 3.111; Q2; 81/238 Plant Sciences; JCI = 0.79)
- Adam, L.D., Giovannoni, D., Clark, V.R., Steenhuisen, S., Martin, G.D. In press. Reproductive ecology of the invasive alien shrub Pyracantha angustifolia in the Grassland Biome, South Africa. Plants-Basel. (IF = 4.658; Q1; 39/239 Plant Sciences; JCI = 1.01)
- Nicola Kuhn (UCT) – Community ecology of small-mammal pollinated proteas; Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisor: Jeremy Midgley (UCT); Graduated December 2013
- Sarah Catto (UCT) - Are small mammals attracted to nectar scent cues provided by ground Protea species of the Western Cape? A preliminary investigation; Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisor: Jeremy Midgley (UCT); Graduated April 2016
- Kylie Pires (UCT) - The role of Cape honeybees in determining coexistence of Erica species. Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisor: Timotheus Van der Niet (UKZN); Graduated April 2017.
- Patricia Mosale (UFS) – The current status of Berberis species invasions in Golden Gate Highland National Park. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University). Graduated April 2021
- Thulile Buthelezi (UFS) – A comprehensive survey of the invasive alien plant species in rest camps of Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisors: Dr Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU), Dr N. Cole (SANBI), Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University). Graduated April 2023
- Lindokuhle Mdakane (UFS) – Endemic plants with limited population numbers and range in the Maloti-Drakensberg: How has our knowledge changed over 17 years? Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisors: Dr Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU). Graduated April 2021
- Tapiwanashe Mashamba (UFS) – Battle of the sexes in the Hidden flowers? Effects of variation in plant phenotypic gender on male and female reproductive success in monoecious Guthriea capensis. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Ruth Cozien (UKZN). Graduated May 2022
- Ntombenhle Radebe (UFS) - Pollination ecology and breeding system of the rare alpine amaryllid Nerine bowdenii subspecies wellsii. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Ruth Cozien. (UKZN) Graduated May 2022
- Sinethemba Sibisi (UFS) – Survey of insects associated with Gomphocarpus fruticosis (Apocynaceae), a South African plant invading Australia. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen; Co-supervisor: Dr Grant Martin. Graduated April 2023
- Gcinile Carvalho (UFS) – Impact of invasive alien Rosaceae species on soil properties and seed germination in Afromontane grasslands of the eastern Free State. Main Supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University). Graduated April 2023
- Zinhle Sithole (UFS) - The role of mammals in the seed dispersal of the invasive plant species, Rosa rubiginosa, in the Free State rangelands. Main Supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); Co-supervisor: Miss Karabo Moloi (UFS), Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). Current
- Alice Balmer (University of Zurich) – The pollination and breeding system of penduline Protea species; Main supervisor: Dennis Hansen (Uni Zurich); Co-supervisor: Steve Johnson (UKZN); Collaborator: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Graduated April 2013
- Kim Zoeller (UCT) - The reproductive biology of four geoflorous Protea species (Proteaceae); Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisors: Steve Johnson (UKZN) and Jeremy Midgley (UCT); Graduated December 2014
- Roderick Bouman (Leiden University) - Shifts in pollination system between species in the Erica imbricata/coccinea clade; Main supervisor: Timotheus van der Niet (currently UKZN); Co-supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); University of Leiden, The Netherlands; Graduated September 2015
- Yolanda Chirango (UCT) - The pollination ecology of Cape milkweeds (Asclepiadoideae); Main Supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisors: Jeremy Midgley (UCT), Adam Shuttleworth (UKZN); Graduated April 2017.
- Adele Cormac (UCT) – How the community structure of small mammals is influenced by flowering of ground Protea species; Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UCT); Co-supervisors: Jeremy Midgley (UCT), Mike Cramer (UCT); January 2015-submitted 2018, re-examination required, deregistered
- Moralebona Gullit Maphatlalatse (UFS, Qwaqwa) - Ecological niche modelling for selected grassland species in the Maloti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Park; Internal supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Main supervisor: Erwin Sieben (UKZN); Co-supervisor: Timothy G. O’Connor (SAEON); January 2016-deregistered
- Megan Smith (UCT) – Population genetics of South African Protea L. (Proteaceae) species associated with various pollinator guilds; Main supervisor: Jeremy Midgley (UCT); Co-supervisors: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS), Rachel Prunier (Western Connecticut State University); Graduated December 2019 http://hdl.handle.net/11427/31267
- Lehlohonolo Donald Adams (University of the Free State) – Reproductive ecology and invasiveness of Pyracantha species in the Eastern Free State; Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisors: Dr Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU), Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); April 2018 – Graduated April 2021 http://hdl.handle.net/11660/11252
- Karabo Moloi (University of the Free State) – Reproductive ecology and invasiveness of Cotoneaster species in the Eastern Free State; Main supervisor: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisors: Dr Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU), Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); February 2020 – degree awarded with Distinction (78%) June 2022
- Patricia Masole (UFS) – Critical factors affecting seed dispersal and germination of invasive alien Rosa rubiginosa in the eastern Free State. Main Supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS), Dr Stephanie Payne. 2021-Current
- Nthambeleni Bologo (UFS) – Impacts of the invasive alien plant species clearing programme on socio-economic benefits and plant biodiversity along the Eastern Escarpment, South Africa. Main Supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). 2021-Current
- Thandwayo Mbambo (UKZN) – Grassland forb reproduction in drought-stressed systems. Main Supervisor: Dr Michelle Tedder (UKZN); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). 2021-Current
- Tapiwanashe Mashamba (UFS) – Current status and reproductive ecology of invasive alien Salix species in the Grassland Biome of South Africa. Main Supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University), Dr Stephanie Payne. 2022-Current
- Lesego Malekana (UFS) – Impact and management of range expanding Rosaceae species along elevational gradients in the Maloti-Drakensberg (RangeX 1.3). Main Supervisor: Prof Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU); Co-supervisors: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University), Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). 2022-Current
- Lumko Mboyi (UFS) – Invasion patterns and impacts of the grass Nassella tenuissima in the eastern Cape Drakensberg, South Africa. Main Supervisor: Prof Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Collaborators: Dr Kim Canavan (Rhodes University), Dr Anthony Mapaura (UFS). 2022-Current
- Victoria Roetger (Wits) - Plant-pollinator networks along an altitudinal gradient in the Drakensberg Mountain Centre – implications for climate change. Main supervisor: Prof Glynis Goodman-Cron (Wits); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). 2023-current
- Thembelihle Mbele (UFS) - Invasive status of pampas grass in South Africa. Main supervisor: Dr Kim Canavan (Rhodes University); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). 2023-current
- Thulile Buthelezi - The reproductive and pollination ecology of the South African endemic, Euphorbia clavaroides. Main Supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisor: Dr Stephanie Payne-Smith (UFS), Prof Dave Thompson (SAEON). 2023-current
- Laetitia Voua Otomo (University of the Free State) - Bioactivity, isolation and characterisation of compounds from plants used against secondary infections associated with elephantiasis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Main supervisor: Prof Lisa Komoreng (University of Fort Hare); Co-supervisors: Dr Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS), Prof. MMO Thekisoe (North-West University), Dr S. Sabiu (UFS); January 2017 – Graduated April 2022
- Anthony Mapaura (University of the Free State) – Determining the trajectory of graminoid invasions in southern Africa`s mountains: The case of Nassella; Main supervisor: Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS); Co-supervisors: Vincent Ralph Clark (ARU), Kim Canavan (Rhodes University), David Richardson (CIB, Stellenbosch University); April 2019 – Graduated April 2023
- Lehlohonolo Donald Adams (UKZN) – Fleshy-fruited invasive alien plants in the eastern South Africa: Assessing ecosystem services, community perceptions, risk and management; Main supervisor: Prof Colleen Downs (UKZN); Co-supervisors: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University), Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). January 2021 – current
- Jessica Minnaar (University of the Witwatersrand) - Circumscription of the genus Galtonia, a Drakensberg near-endemic genus, and potential contribution of habitat differences to speciation and genetic diversity; Main Supervisor: Prof Glynis Goodman-Cron (Wits University); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS). December 2021 – current
- Karabo Moloi (University of the Free State) – The abiotic and biotic factors driving the invasion of alien invasive Rosaceae species in grasslands of South Africa. Main Supervisor: Dr Grant Martin (Rhodes University); Co-supervisor: Prof Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen (UFS), Dr Stephanie Payne. July 2022 – current
- Dr Nicholas Le Maitre (University of the Free State), April 2019 – May 2020
- Dr Stephanie Payne (University of the Free State), January 2022 – Current
BOTA3734: Introduction to Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
BOTA3754: Vegetation Ecology
BIOL6834: Advanced Biostatistics