GS23 Nelson Mhlongo

Nelson Mhlongo

1. What impact has GradStar had on your life in 2023?

Through GradStar, I have had the chance to network with influential professionals and like-minded peers. It has also helped me enhance my skills and knowledge making me more competitive in the job market. Lastly, being recognized as one of the top university students in South Africa is an honour. It has boosted my self-esteem, and confidence and added prestige to my resume.

2. How do you stay motivated and on track with your studies?

I have created a study schedule that outlines when and what I will study and sticking to this schedule has helped me build a routine. Furthermore, I connect my coursework to my passions and interests to make learning more enjoyable and I celebrate my achievements and milestones no matter how small they are.

3. What drives you to excel in your studies?

I am the first born and a brother to my 3 siblings at home, so every time I do something it is all about them because I want to make them proud and be a good example to my siblings. For me, it is all about wanting to achieve my goals and be the best version of myself.

4. Will you recommend GradStar to other students? Why/Why not?

I highly recommend Gradstar to fellow students because it strives to identify the most employable graduates in the country by evaluating their leadership skills and job readiness using a range of assessments. This not only provides a chance to enhance your skills but also enables you to network with some of the nation's top recruiters and accomplished peers.

5. What are your plans for 2023?

My plan is to finish my Bachelor of Laws degree on a high note.

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