Sakhe Nkohla

1. What impact has GradStar had on your life in 2023?

The GradStar has had a positive impact in my life in 2023. I got the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and build confidence in myself. 

2. How do you stay motivated and on track with your studies?

I always look at the bigger picture, I constantly myself of how lucky I am to have this opportunity to be studying towards my dream career. That is enough to keep me on track.

3. What drives you to excel in your studies?

Mostly my passion for what I’m studying and never settling for anything average.

4. Will you recommend GradStar to other students? Why/Why not?

Yes. It’s a great innovation and I’d recommend anyone to put themselves out there. 

5. What are your plans for 2023?

My plans for 2023 are to do better than I did last year.

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