17 May 2018
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Department of Corporate Communication and Marketing is appealing to all students to keep their ear to the ground in a quest to find interesting, thought-provoking student-related information to publish in the
Student Newsletter.
Students can write stories, produce videos, and supply photographs or pictures that will be published in the Newsletter, which is the official student-central, online, digital media publication of the UFS.
Content can range from anything related to university sport, interesting student seminars, presentations, and reports or commentary on various events taking place on the Bloemfontein, Qwaqwa, or South campuses of the UFS.
Articles must be written in English, with a headline of no more than nine words and a word count of 120. A JPEG photograph of good quality with a photo credit should accompany each article submitted. Should students wish to hand in videos accompanying their stories, they should consult Barend Nagel on
NagelBJ@ufs.ac.za for more information. Stories will be selected for the Newsletter according to the relevance and importance of their content.
This communication platform has specifically been established to communicate important and interesting information, events, and activities from Kovsie to Kovsie, across the entire UFS student population. Students are urged to take initiative, and engage with one another, and the overall institutional realm of communication in South Africa. For more information, please email Xolisa Mnukwa on