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14 December 2020
Prof Abdon Atangana
Prof Abdon Atangana is known for his work in developing a new fractional operator used to model real-world problems arising in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. He was recently awarded the TWAS Mohammad A. Hamdan Award by The World Academy of Sciences.

Prof Abdon Atangana, Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Institute for Groundwater Studies at the University of the Free State (UFS), was awarded the TWAS Mohammad A. Hamdan Award by The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries.

It is the first time that the TWAS Mohammad A. Hamdan Award was bestowed. According to a statement issued by TWAS, this award is given for outstanding mathematical work carried out by a scientist working and living in Africa or the Arab region. It states that the award can be given for work in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, probability, or statistics. Prof Atangana received the award for his contribution to fractal mathematics and partial differential equations.

Making a difference in society

He is known for his research in developing a new fractional operator, the Atangana-Baleanu operator, which is used to model real-world problems. With this operator, he not only describes the rate at which something will change, but also account for disrupting factors that will help to produce better projections.

His work can be applied to make complicated predictions in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. His models can, for instance, help to predict the spread of infectious diseases among people in a settlement, forecasting the number of people who will be infected each day, the number of people who will recover, and the number of people who will die.

Prof Atangana’s models can also help to advise people drilling for water by predicting how groundwater is flowing in a complex geological formation. These are only two examples of how his work can be applied to make a difference in society.

The award from TWAS is the third prestigious commendation he has received in the past month. He was recently named as one of the top 1% scientists on the global Clarivate Web of Science list. His name also appeared on a global list of leading scientists published by Stanford University in the United States. The list is the result of a study published in PLOS Biology, a peer-reviewed open-access journal.

World’s most accomplished scientists

Honours awarded by TWAS and its partners are among the most prestigious for research in the developing world. They recognise outstanding achievements and contributions to science and acknowledge the best work by scientists from the global South.

TWAS, founded in 1983 by a group of scientists under the leadership of Pakistani physicist and Nobel laureate, Abdus Salam, believes that developing nations – by growing strength in science and engineering – will be able to address challenges such as hunger, disease, and poverty, through their knowledge and skills.

TWAS is represented in 100 countries, and of the more than a thousand elected fellows, 14 are Nobel laureates. Eighty-four percent of these fellows are from developing nations. TWAS fellows are also some of the world’s most accomplished scientists.

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Verklaring - Afsterwe van student

Afsterwe van eerstejaarstudent - Verklaring deur Die Rektor en Visekanselier van die UV, Prof Frederick Fourie

Die bestuur van die UV is diep ontsteld oor die tragiese dood van een van ons studente, Hannes van Rensburg, die afgelope naweek. Ons het reeds met die ouers geskakel en ons innige simpatie aan hulle oorgedra.

“Ek is ook erg bekommerd oor die aard van die bewerings oor drankgebruik en -misbruik, en neem elkeen van die bewerings ernstig op.” Die UV-bestuur is, net soos besture by ander universiteite, uiters bekommerd oor die drinkkultuur onder studente, veral ook die element daarvan wat met gewaande manlikheid te doen het. Ook ander elemente van koshuiskultuur en –gesagsverhoudinge hou dalk hiermee verband.

“Ek is ook ten sterkste gekant teen praktyke wat studente dwing tot sekere gedrag soos byvoorbeeld gedwonge drankgebruik”.

Iets soos ‘n “pa-seun” aand is ‘n verskynsel wat by verskeie universiteite voorkom. By die UV is dit geensins deel van die oriënteringsfase van eerstejaars nie. Dit vind juis etlike weke na die ontheffing van die eerstejaars plaas. Dit is ‘n normale funksie waarin seniors en eerstejaars saam sosiaal verkeer in die seniorbonde van koshuise.

Die UV-bestuur het streng beheermaatreëls in plek om drankgebruik te reguleer en dit binne perke te hou. Baie word gedoen om die verantwoordelike gebruik van alkohol aan te moedig. Dit is egter nie altyd moontlik om die individuele gedrag van studente te reguleer nie.

Ek kondig dus die volgende stappe aan, wat onmiddellik van krag is:

  • Die reg van alle seniorbonde op die UV kampus om alkoholiese drank te bedien word onmiddellik teruggetrek, tot verdere kennisgewing.
  • ‘n Indringende ondersoek onder leiding van dr Ezekiel Moraka, Viserektor: Studentesake, na die omstandighede rondom hierdie tragiese gebeurtenis is reeds geloods.
  • ‘n Breër ondersoek na die drinkkultuur en verwante elemente van koshuistradisies sal deel van hierdie ondersoek wees.

Dissiplinêre stappe sal geneem word teen persone wat skuldig bevind word aan wangedrag met betrekking tot hierdie tragiese voorval.

Uitgereik deur: Lacea Loader
Tel: (051) 401-2584
Sel: 083 645 2454
7 Maart 2005

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