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29 September 2020 | Story Dr Lynette van der Merwe | Photo Supplied

There is no doubt that 2020 will be a year to remember.  A pandemic, national lockdown, social isolation, health risks, economic and academic disruption, and uncertainty, loss of control, fear, and panic due to information flooding are all ingredients in the perfect storm of the unprecedented ‘new normal’.  Due to COVID-19, we have become sensitised to the need to protect mental health and well-being among all members of society – not least, our caregivers.  The plight of healthcare workers in the front lines has focused our attention on the threat of burnout (defined as emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and a sense of low personal accomplishment) as a result of increased stress, as well as the risk of depression and anxiety disorders. 
Focus on becoming more agile and adaptable

But do we need to stick to the prescribed script that dooms us to global resignation of merely trying to survive?  Is there an alternative response that uncovers unique strengths? Can we flip the narrative to resilience?  

In the destructive wake of this global crisis, we could instead focus on how we have become more agile and adaptable. We could notice the coping strategies of those who do not succumb to despair, victimhood, or expedience.  We could reimagine a world where the problems of the day do not define us; a world where we respond with intention, drawing on resilience forged in the fire of adversity, resolutely using our prior-established values to guide us.

Resilience helps us to not merely survive, but to recover, regroup, and reach new heights.   Diane Coutu described the characteristics of resilient people:  stoic acceptance of tough situations, creating meaning despite the current overwhelming circumstances, and an astonishing ability to improvise.  The notion was reinforced in a recent perspective published in the New England Journal of Medicine.  The authors eloquently pointed out that during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, a sense of altruism and urgency seemed to catalyse restored autonomy, competency, and relatedness – three pillars considered supportive of intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being.  

Adaptive coping strategies

Research among students and staff in the UFS Faculty of Health Sciences has shown that higher resilience (and lower burnout) is associated with adaptive coping strategies.  Strength and growth through hardship were foundational to dealing with endemic stress and inevitable personal, academic, and financial challenges. 

So, what are some of the qualities, skills, or resources that help us bounce back and grow our resilience, resulting in the crisis of the day (aka COVID-19 and its nasty sequelae) causing a (temporary) bruise, rather than a (permanent) tattoo?
Have hope.  Far from blind, naïve optimism, it is instead a sober realism about reality, balanced by finding strength in the belief that in the end, you will overcome (the Stockdale Paradox). This ties closely with acceptance, allowing emotions a seat at the table of our lives but not giving in to their attempts at a hostile takeover.  It happens when we choose to respond, rather than react, leaving space to be flexible enough to adjust our expectations from immediate gratification to the perseverance to sit out the discomfort.  

Stay kind.  In the face of extreme hardship, humans reveal the truth about themselves.  Treating others with compassion, patience, and respect may not make the crisis disappear – but when we look back, are we not most inspired by those who have created meaning through extraordinary humility and sacrifice?  When all is said and done, what story would you like to tell about the kind of person you were during the pandemic? 

Be brave

Be brave anyway.  Approaching the sixth month of the pandemic means that most of us are tired.  Despite trying to be safe, innovative, and wise, there are no apparent solutions or a clear end in sight.  This is the time to be insanely courageous, to step into the arena to find answers and offer alternatives, despite naysayers (often anonymous) criticising your best efforts. This is the moment in history when we need to overcome our fear with the kind of courage that shows up even when legs shake, the voice trembles, and the heart palpitates.

When we look back on 2020, may we do so knowing that we continued hoping (even while accepting the tragic reality), that we stayed kind (creating meaning in the midst of turmoil), and that we were brave (overcoming seemingly insurmountable difficulty with exceptional creativity).  We have much to offer if we allow our resilience to stand this test of time. May COVID-19 change us for the better.

News Archive

Inaugural lecture: Prof. Phillipe Burger


Attending the lecture were, from the left: Prof. Tienie Crous (Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the UFS), Prof. Phillipe Burger (Departmental Chairperson of the Department of Economics at the UFS), and Prof. Frederick Fourie (Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the UFS).
Photo: Stephen Collet

A summary of an inaugural lecture presented by Prof. Phillipe Burger on the topic: “The ups and downs of the South African Economy: Rough seas or smooth sailing?”

South African business cycle shows reduction in volatility

Better monetary policy and improvements in the financial sector that place less liquidity constraints on individuals is one of the main reasons for the reduction in the volatility of the South African economy. The improvement in access to the financial sector also enables individuals to manage their debt better.

These are some of the findings in an analysis on the volatility of the South African business cycle done by Prof. Philippe Burger, Departmental Chairperson of the University of the Free State’s (UFS) Department of Economics.

Prof. Burger delivered his inaugural lecture last night (22 November 2007) on the Main Campus in Bloemfontein on the topic “The ups and downs of the South African Economy: Rough seas or smooth sailing?”

In his lecture, Prof. Burger emphasised a few key aspects of the South African business cycle and indicated how it changed during the periods 1960-1976, 1976-1994 en 1994-2006.

With the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of the business cycle, the analysis identified the variables that showed the highest correlation with the GDP. During the periods 1976-1994 and 1994-2006, these included durable consumption, manufacturing investment, private sector investment, as well as investment in machinery and non-residential buildings. Other variables that also show a high correlation with the GDP are imports, non-durable consumption, investment in the financial services sector, investment by general government, as well as investment in residential buildings.

Prof. Burger’s analysis also shows that changes in durable consumption, investment in the manufacturing sector, investment in the private sector, as well as investment in non-residential buildings preceded changes in the GDP. If changes in a variable such as durable consumption precede changes in the GDP, it is an indication that durable consumption is one of the drivers of the business cycle. The up or down swing of durable consumption may, in other words, just as well contribute to an up or down swing in the business cycle.

A surprising finding of the analysis is the particularly strong role durable consumption has played in the business cycle since 1994. This finding is especially surprising due to the fact that durable consumption only constitutes about 12% of the total household consumption.

A further surprising finding is the particularly small role exports have been playing since 1960 as a driver of the business cycle. In South Africa it is still generally accepted that exports are one of the most important drivers of the business cycle. It is generally accepted that, should the business cycles of South Africa’s most important trade partners show an upward phase; these partners will purchase more from South Africa. This increase in exports will contribute to the South African economy moving upward. Prof. Burger’s analyses shows, however, that exports have generally never fulfil this role.

Over and above the identification of the drivers of the South African business cycle, Prof. Burger’s analysis also investigated the volatility of the business cycle.

When the periods 1976-1994 and 1994-2006 are compared, the analysis shows that the volatility of the business cycle has reduced since 1994 with more than half. The reduction in volatility can be traced to the reduction in the volatility of household consumption (especially durables and services), as well as a reduction in the volatility of investment in machinery, non-residential buildings and transport equipment. The last three coincide with the general reduction in the volatility of investment in the manufacturing sector. Investment in sectors such as electricity and transport (not to be confused with investment in transport equipment by various sectors) which are strongly dominated by the government, did not contribute to the decrease in volatility.

In his analysis, Prof. Burger supplies reasons for the reduction in volatility. One of the explanations is the reduction in the shocks affecting the economy – especially in the South African context. Another explanation is the application of an improved monetary policy by the South African Reserve Bank since the mid 1990’s. A third explanation is the better access to liquidity and credit since the mid 1990’s, which enables the better management of household finance and the absorption of financial shocks.

A further reason which contributed to the reduction in volatility in countries such as the United States of America’s business cycle is better inventory management. While the volatility of inventory in South Africa has also reduced there is, according to Prof. Burger, little proof that better inventory management contributed to the reduction in volatility of the GDP.

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