As part of their seven dimensions of wellness: social, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental and spiritual wellness – Health and Wellness once again held a successful session that focused on the essence of humour and laughter. The lunch session was presented by Henry Taylor, a counselling psychologist.

He focused on the role and value of humour and laughter as a human trait, and the psychological value thereof. As we breathe and laugh, it works wonders for our body’s health, especially physically, mentally and emotionally. Taylor mentioned that when we laugh so hard that we feel a pain in the stomach, it gives great relief to our negative feelings and tension. 

From one humorous video to the next, and pictures throughout his presentation, the audience were exploding with laughter. “It has been proven that laughing things off gives a new perspective and control over a negative life situation,” said Taylor. He encouraged the audience to laugh because it shows that we are feeling – good, happy, joyful, and positive. 

“Laughing relaxes the body and can help with gathering social support from interpersonal relationships – it is a sense of being free,” he added. Liesl Wessels, one of the organisers, said: “I was happy to see the audience experience the delightful and healing effect from laughter practically.”

– Ifa Tshishonge

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