2019 2018
News Items
Waar is Markgraaf? (A)

Original Translation: Mariechen Naudè
Director: Thys Heydenrych
Venue: Wynand Mouton theatre

Dates & times:
16 May 2012 19h30
17 May 2012 19h30
18 May 2012 19h30

Bookings: Computicket (Mimosa Mall, Loch Logan Waterfront, Preller Square en Checkers)

Mr. Visser, a civil servant, is looking for Mr. Markgraaf, director of the A.B.A.V.B.-I.O.G.H.M. He needs his signature on a green purchase order so that he can requisite 50 litres eggshell paint. For him to be allowed to enter the spa “Die Sonneblom”, where Mr Markgraaf is taking a much needed rest-cure, he pretends to be the husband of the very famous trekker driver Klara Theron. At the same time Mrs. Du Plooy, the wife of the very well-known Professor De Kock, is also looking for Mr Markgraaf. She is in love with him and is very sure that he has the same feelings for her. She follows him to the spa in order to inform him that her husband knows of their affair and are on his way to the spa. When Klara, her husband Karel and the Prof. De Kock arrive at the spa, all hell breaks loose.

“Waar is Markgraaf?”is wonderful comedy full of misunderstandings, mistaken identities, crazy characters and loads of action. Original translation by Mariechen Naudè, directed by Thys Heydenrych (Onnies en Ouers). “Waar is Markgraaf?”is performed in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, 16 - 18 May at 19h30. Tickets available at Computicket.

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