UFS Brand Narrative
Long version of the narrative:
The University of the Free State (UFS) creates opportunities and growth through leading, learning and teaching, focused research, and impactful engagement with society. We offer world-class benefits to all individuals in a transformed and inclusive environment. What makes us special is that our students are holistically supported to achieve some of the highest success rates in the country and they are highly employable. What’s more, we produce research that has industry and social impact and real-world application. Our culture promotes equity, Ubuntu, and accountability. We address challenges and issues as they emerge, and we deal with them openly in a way that promotes social justice and human rights. Situated in the heart of South Africa, our character of caring and diversity translates into an outstanding university experience.
Short version of the narrative:
The University of the Free State (UFS) creates opportunities and growth through leading, learning and teaching, focused research, and impactful engagement with society. Situated in the heart of South Africa, our character of caring and diversity translates into an outstanding university experience.
Narrative Toolkit
The toolkit provides mood boards to assist with the look and feel to support the narrative visually, templates, guidelines and how to use them, an adapted message map, tone of voice and messages linked to the various stakeholder groups. The toolkit is to be used as a guideline, along with the narrative training to implement the narrative. Click here for the institutional narrative.
Key Messages:
Global, national, institutional, and individual achievements.
Real excellence in education.
Global best practices in research, theory and teaching.
We identify, realise, and unleash potential.
Graduates, thinkers, problem-solvers and leaders.
Invested in success and human happiness.
Quality, impact and care.
Narrative Essence: