Online abstract form for 2017 International Symposium on Place Names

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL UFS SYSTEMS WILL BE UNAVAILABLE FROM 17:30 ON 13 APRIL TO 18 APRIL AT 06:00. Kindly retry to submit your abstract on 18 April.

Submit your abstract here

Deadline: 19 April 2017

  1. The corresponding author is the main author. This person is responsible for uploading the abstract and should also add the names of the co-authors (as presenting authors).
  2. Submitting and approval of an abstract does not mean that you are registered for the conference. Please complete the online registration form. Registration will be finalised once proof of payment has been received.
  3. Guidelines for abstracts. Please note that the system will reject abstracts that do not adhere to the word limit (300-500 words).
Authors or Presenter
The corresponding author is the main author. This person is responsible for uploading the abstract and should also add the names of co-authors (as presenting authors).

Please note: ONLY the corresponding author has to provide an E-mail address.
Minimum of one keyword. Maximum of five keywords.
Minimum 300 words to maximum 500 words.
I agree that this extended abstract can be published under a Free Creative Commons license Attribution 3.0 Unported

See the following link for more information
License agreement
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