Description: HELTASA 2014 Keywords: logo

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries or concerns relating to HELTASA 2014.

Description: HELTASA 2014 Keywords: Marianne Oosthuizen,External Conference Organiser

Marianne Oosthuizen

External Conference Organiser

+27(0)51 436 8145

Description: HELTASA 2014 Keywords: HELTASA Coordinator

Miemsie de Jager

HELTASA Coordinator

+27(0)51 401 7340

Description: HELTASA 2014 Keywords: Lerato Makuoane, Logistics Coordinator

Lerato Makuoane

Logistics Coordinator

+27(0)51 401 7342

Description: HELTASA 2014 Keywords: Mieke du Plessis,Abstract Coordinator

Mieke du Plessis

Abstract Coordinator

+27(0)51 401 9889

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