Message from the Dean
The faculty, against the background of promoting its mission to be dynamic, innovative, and quality-driven in the field of economic and management sciences, covers a diverse academic spectrum from public and private sector management to specialised training for accountants on undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and aims to provide relevant, market-driven capacity and competence through, inter alia, research.
The development of research is crucial to the mission of the faculty and the university, namely excellence in teaching, applied research, and in our contribution to social and economic development in society. All of this is founded on the creation, development, and application of knowledge – the very essence of research, discovery, and creativity. Taking cognisance of the above-mentioned, the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences accepts the challenge to be relevant and yet different in a highly competitive local and global society.
So, join us in this endeavour and become part of a winning team. Surf the faculty web, and if you cannot find a satisfactory answer, contact us and we will assist you in making the right choice!
Prof Philippe Burger