UFS Timeline 


2013White Paper for Post-School Education and Training: Building an Expanded, Effective and Integrated Post-School System.
2012Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training.
2004Creation of Central University of Technology with campuses in Bloemfontein and Welkom.
2004The University of the Free State incorporates the South campus of Vista University.
2003The University of the Free State incorporates the Qwaqwa campus of the University of the North.
2003Higher Education Amendment Act No 38.
2002Higher Education Amendment Act No 63.
2001The University of the Orange Free State renamed the University of the Free State.
2001National Plan for Higher Education.
2001Higher Education Amendment Act No 23.
2000Higher Education Amendment Act No 54.
1999Higher Education Amendment Act No 55.
1997Education White Paper 3: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education.
1997The Higher Education Act (Act No. 101).
1996Green Paper on Higher Education Transformation.
1996National Commission on Higher Education Report - A Framework for Transformation.
1996Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No. 108.
1991Universities Amendment Act 123.
1981Establishment of Vista University, with campuses in Bloemfontein, Daveyton, Mamelodi, Port Elizabeth, Sebokeng, Soweto, and Welkom, and a distance education campus in Pretoria.
1981Establishment of Free State Technikon in Bloemfontein.
1977Universities amendment Act 65.
1976Establishment of the Universities Advisory Council, comprising institutions and organisations with an interest in universities.
1975Universities amendment Act 67.
1974Publication of the main report of the Van Wyk de Vries Commission of Inquiry into Universities.
1971Interim report of the Van Wyk De Vries Commission on subsidization of white universities.
1968Universities Amendment Act, No. 24 passed. It gave the Minister the power to withhold funding if the Council of a university failed to comply with any condition subject to which the state subsidy was granted.
1968Establishment of the Van Wyk De Vries Commission of Enquiry into white universities and UNISA – ‘to inquire into and report on the educational, academic, financial and developmental aspects of universities’.
1965Universities amendment Act 43.
1963Higher Education amendment Act 20 empowered the State President to allocate authority in terms of the Higher Education Act of 1955 to any minister. Was used to place the responsibility of the university designated for Indians in the hands of the minister of Indian Affairs.
1962University of the Orange Free State (private) act amendment (private) Act 29.
1961Universities amendment Act 46.
1960Proclamation 434 issued - further limits African student access to ‘white’ universities.
1959University of the Orange Free State (private) act amendment Act 36.
1959Universities amendment Act 82.
1959Extension of University Education Act 45 of 1959 is passed. Creates racially and ethnically exclusive universities for Africans, Indians and Coloureds and a racially segregated university system.
1957Establishment of the Commission on the Separate University Education Bill 1958 UG 32.
1957Commission (Straszacker) on training in engineering training appointed. Reports were produced in 1961, 1964 and 1966.
1957Van der Walt committee reports - ‘Short summary of the findings of the interdepartmental fact-finding committee on the financial implications in connection with the establishment of separate university colleges for non-Europeans.’ White Paper C-57.
1955Universities Act 61. Created the Committee of University Principals (CUP) with the heads of the eleven white university as members. The CUP may make recommendations to the minister on matters related to universities and on matters referred to it by the minister or the secretary of the state department of education. The Act also established a University Advisory Committee of between three and eight members, one of whom was nominated by the CUP.
1953(Holloway) Commission of Enquiry on ‘the practicability and financial implications of providing separate training facilities for non-Europeans at universities.’ A ‘Report of the Commission of Enquiry on Separate Training Facilities for Non-Europeans at Universities, 1953-1954 was released in 1955.
1953University Laws amendment Act 23.
1952Higher Education amendment Act 25.
1951Holloway Commission enquiry into university finances and salaries. Produced a preliminary report in 1951 and reported in 1953.
1949University of the Orange Free State created by (private) Act 21; begins operations in 1950 and becomes an Afrikaans-medium university.
1947Higher Education amendment Act 15.
1946Brookes commission on the future of the University of South Africa. Reports in May 1947 and proposes university status for the university college of Orange Free State.
1935?Grey University College becomes the University College of the Orange Free State, and aconstituent college of theUniversity of South Africa.
1933Subsidies to Universities Report UG 8.
1931Higher Education Financial Provisions Act. Universities have to obtain ministerial approval for all new developments and for budgets.
1927Van der Horst Commission investigation into universities. Proposed in 1928 an end to the idea of technical colleges becoming university colleges.
1927University Commission Report UG 33.
1926University school transfer Act 32.
1922Financial Adjustments Act – first attempt to define ‘higher education. Higher education is defined in a way that excludes teacher training and certification.
1919?/20?Universities and Higher Education Act Amendments, Act 42.
1918Grey College becomes a constituent college of the University of South Africa.
1910Act 5 of 1910 creates Grey University College in Bloemfontein, after Grey College offers a BA program in 1904. Precursor to the University of the Orange Free State in 1950.
1907Free State Ordinance Act 27 of 1903 provides for the creation of higher education institutions.
1855Creation of Grey College in Bloemfontein.



T: +27 51 401 2240 or humanities@ufs.ac.za

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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