Financial planning is the profession that identifies the needs and goals of clients, and builds a holistic, lifelong plan to address those needs and to achieve the client’s financial goals. Financial planning deals with all aspects of ensuring that financial matters are well managed on a month-to-month basis, thus, ensuring that clients have sufficient cash flow to meet financial obligations. Financial planning also focuses on long-term planning, to ensure clients have sufficient funds for retirement and have done estate planning, thereby ensuring that the client and their loved ones have financial security. Financial planning also analyses the way businesses are structured and ensure the continuity of business interests within a corporate structure.

The School of Financial Planning Law (SFPL) in the Faculty of Law at the UFS prides itself on its qualities of excellence and integrity in providing holistic financial planning education since 2001. The school’s accredited academic programmes educate financial planners theoretically and practically to meet the unique needs of individual clients. Approximately 1 000 students register annually for the school’s programmes, all in the area of financial planning and financial planning law.

The two elements that the school values above all, are high academic standards and student satisfaction. The balance between these two elements is the essence of our mission, which is pursued through each endeavour.

Our programmes


T: +27 51 401 2451
F: + 27 51 401 3043


Equitas Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

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