
Description: School of Financial Planning Law Keywords: Boek ImageQuizzes will count 30% of a learner's year mark. Learners who did not hand in their quizzes or who handed it in after the deadline will receive 0% for the quiz. The exam will count 70% of the year mark.

How to calculate the minimum mark to pass a module

Say for example you obtain 28 out of 50 for your quiz.

STEP 1: Re-calculate to a mark out of 30 (because 30% of the quiz mark counts for the final mark)

28 x 30 ÷ 50 = 17 out of 30

The final mark to pass is 50 out of 100.

Step 2: Re-calculate your examination mark to a mark out of 70 (because 70% of the examination mark counts for the final mark)

50 (pass mark) – 17 (quiz mark) = 33 out of 70.

Step 3: Calculate the final exam mark out of 100:

33 x 100 ÷ 70 = 47 out of 100

Therefore a learner with a quiz mark of 28 (out of 50) will need at least 47 out of 100 for the examination paper to pass the module.


T: +27 51 401 2451
F: + 27 51 401 3043

E: law@ufs.ac.za

Equitas Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

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