Get to know some of the researchers at the University of the Free State whose work is inspiring excellence and transforming lives globally.

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Dr Harlan Cloete
Area of expertise: Governance systems in the public sector, Local government (municipalities), public service
Faculty/Department: Department of Public Administration and Management
Dr Harlan Cloete is a research fellow at the University of the Free State. His main research interest is exploring evidence based HRD governance systems in the public sector with a keen interest in local government. A perpetual academic, Dr Cloete turned his MPA into a textbook called, South Africa Works – Everyone’s guide to understanding skills development in South Africa (2005) presenting workshops all over the country.


The focus of his PhD (2016) was the Management of Human Resource Development (HRD) in South African Local Government, after which he developed the HRD for good municipal governance course (2017) and accompanying textbook, Guide to effectively manage Human Resource Development in South African Local Government (2019). 

The course was recognised for its innovative approach (2019) at the Achiever Awards, which was held at the National Skills Development Summit. The course was successfully implemented nationally, through the municipal capacity building program of the Local Government SETA. To date more than 11000 municipal officials have been trained including SDFs, HR officials, trade union members, training committee members as well as councillors.  Dr Cloete subsequently developed a cloud based system to manage and measure HRD implementation in municipalities (2021). 
Dr Cloete has successfully presented various papers at national and international conferences and is a regular guest on national radio and television and occasional newspaper columnist on issues of Local Governance.  
He is busy with his third book, Guide to effectively implement Human Resource Development in South African Local Government – the 8 Non-Negotiables.


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