Research Projects
The department’s research focus was largely defined by three major projects.
Ongoing research into mining towns and secondary cities –in particular, Rustenburg, Emalahleni, Postmasburg.
South African Planning Education and Research (SAPER) project – consisted of one of the largest ever surveys of in South Africa, and looked at planning education in the country.
UFS BRICS PLUS – research project focused on water security and social dimensions of water.
(January 2015 until March 2020)
Sinxadi, L. & Campbell, M.M. 2015. Creating sustainable environments through community participation: The case of Naledi Local Municipality, South Africa. Journal of Public Administration 50(2): 370-378.
Campbell, M.M. 2016. A great place and not yet another declining small town: The case of Clarens, South Africa. Urbani Izziv 27(2): 138-148.
Campbell, M.M. & Mholo, J. 2016. An exploration of the provision of government-subsidised housing without title deeds: A recipient’s interpretation of security of tenure. Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering 10(9): 1082-1087.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2016. Developing an appropriate land use methodology to promote spatially just, formal retail areas in developing countries: The case of the City of Cape Town, South Africa. Land Use Policy 54(July): 18-28.
Dubezane, M. & Nel, V.J. 2016. Th e role of traditional leaders in land use management in South Africa: A case study in a Rural Area of KwazuluNatal. Indilinga 15(3): 222-238.
Ferreira, A., Nel, D. & Nel, V.J. 2016. A transect approach to land use management in South Africa. Isocarp Review 12: 268-287.
Kohima, J. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2016. Barriers experienced by the City of Windhoek in facilitating land development applications under the Windhoek Town Planning Scheme of 1976 in Klein Windhoek and Katutura suburbs. Proceedings of the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future – Disruption and Reinvention. pp. 376-391.
Mdleleni, M. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2016. Exploring the underlying factors behind the resurgence of new informal settlements post in-situ upgrading in South Africa: A case study of Phelindaba Informal Settlement, Matjhabeng Local Municipality, Free State. In: Proceedings of the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future – Disruption and Reinvention. pp. 218-232.
Nel, V.J. 2016. A better zoning system for South Africa? Land Use Policy 55: 57-64. Nel, V. 2016. SPLUMA, zoning and effective land use management in South Africa. Urban Forum 27: 79-92.
Steÿn, J.J. 2016. Enkele gedagtes oor volhoubaarheid vir die boubedryf in Suid-Afrika. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap / Journal for Christian Scholarship 52(3): 167-180.
Barnes, AP, and Nel, V.J. 2017. Putting Spatial Resilience into Practice. Urban Forum. 28(2):219-232.
Campbell, M.M., Nel, V.J., and Mphambukeli, T.N. 2017. The governance and spatial planning challenges of a thriving economy based on non-renewable resources within a local government under Administration: the case of Witbank, South Africa. Land Use Policy Journal. 62: 223-231.
Rapelang, T, Nel, V.J., and Stewart, T. 2017. Exercising the right to access adequate housing in Joe Morolong Local Municipality, Rural South Africa. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment: 1-20.
Campbell, M.M. and Drewes, E. 2018. A tripartite approach to ensure municipal service delivery: The case of a mining town in South Africa. Journal of Settlements and Planning November: 93-102.
Chirisa, I., Mavhima, B and Matamanda, AR. 2018. Youth, the Big Man Syndrome and Human Factor Decay in Urban Land Delivery in Zimbabwe. Review of Human Factor Studies 24(1): 46-65.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Ramaila, E. 2018. Community facilities in previously disadvantaged areas of South Africa. Development Southern Africa 35(4): 432-449.
Makunde, G, Chirisa, I, Mazorodze, C, Pfukwa, C and Matamanda, A. 2018. Local governance system and the urban service delivery in Zimbabwe: Issues, practices and scope. International Journal of Technology and Management 3(1): 13-13.
Marais, L, Cloete, J, and Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2018. Informal settlements and mine development: Reflections from South Africa's periphery. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 118(10): 1103-1111.
Marais, L, Cloete, J, Van Rooyen, D, Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Nel, V. 2018. Place attachment and social disruption in Postmasburg, a rapidly growing South African mining town. GeoJournal [Online first]:
Okorie, V.O. 2018. From Oil to Water? The deepening crises of primitive accumulation in the waterscapes of Nigeria's Niger Delta. Africa Spectrum 53(1): 113-128.
Smit, E and Nel, V.J. 2018. Spatial divided campus: Divided spatial subculture? International Planning Studies 23(3): 239-249.
Andres, L., Jones, P., Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Lorena, M., 2019. Negotiating polyvocal strategies: Re-reading de Certeau through the lens of urban planning in South Africa. Urban Studies, DOI:
Amusan, L., Okorie, V.O. and Mphambukeli, T.N. 2019. Editorial note. African Renaissance, 16(Special Issue 2, August 2019):7-11
Chirisa, I., and Chivenge, M. 2019. The Concept Urban Resilience: Contextualising to Zimbabwe. Journal of Urban Systems and Innovations for Resilience in Zimbabwe, 1(1&2): 1-19.
Chirisa, I., and Matamanda, A. 2019. Forces shaping urban morphology in Southern Africa Today: unequal interplay among people, practice and policy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 12(3): 354-372.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Mocwagae, K. 2019. The potential of the University of the Free State QwaQwa campus to enable growth of the economy of QwaQwa. Town and Regional Planning, 74 (Dec 2019): 1-11
Marais, L., Denoon-Stevens, S. and Cloete, J. 2019. Mining towns and urban sprawl in South Africa. Land Use Policy, DOI:
Marais, L., Cloete, J., van Rooyen, D., Denoon-Stevens, S. and Nel, V. 2019. Place attachment and social disruption in Postmasburg, a rapidly growing South African mining town. GeoJournal, 84(1):71-83.
Matamanda, R.A. 2019. Battling the Informal Settlement Challenge through Sustainable City Framework: Experiences and Lessons from Harare, Zimbabwe. Development Southern Africa. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2019.1572495
Matamanda, A. R., Chirisa, I., Dzvimbo, M. A., & Chinozvina, Q. L. 2019. The Political Economy of Zimbabwean Urban Informality since 2000 – A Contemporary Governance Dilemma. Development Southern Africa, DOI:
Mphambukeli, T.N. 2019. Social justice in planning : access to adequate drinking water and contested belonging in emerging communities of Mangaung in post-apartheid South Africa. African Renaissance, 16(Special Issue 2, August 2019): 51-69
Steӱn, D. 2019. Different values lead to alternative approaches to the land debate in South Africa. Stads-en Streekbeplanning / Town and Regional Planning / Meralo ya Ditoropo le Mabatowa, No. 75: 104-111.
Steyn, J.J. 2015. Reforming normative planning: Essays on a Christian approach to planning. / Hervorming van normatiewe beplanning: Opstelle oor ‘n Christelike benadering tot beplanning. Orania: Prisca Uitgewers.
Campbell, M.M., Nel, V.J. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2016. Emalahleni: Dirty but keeping South Africa’s lights on. In: Beyond the great and mighty: Reflections on secondary cities in South Africa, edited by L. Marias, E. Nel and R. Donaldson. London: Routledge. Chapter 8.
Beck, BM, Das, DK, Thompson, M, Chirisa, I, Eromobor, S, Kubanza, S, Rewal, T and Burger, E. 2018. Cities as forces for good in the environment: A systems approach. In: Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges, edited by P Mensah, D Katerere, S Hachigonta, and A Roodt. Springer, Cham. pp. 9-39.
Chirisa, I, Mukarwi, L and Matamanda, AR. 2018. Social costs and benefits of the transformation of the traditional families in an African urban society. In: Urbanization and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Growth in Developing Regions, edited by U Benna and I Benna. IGI Global. pp. 179-197.
Chirisa, I, Mukarwi, L and Matamanda, AR. 2018. Sustainability in Africa: The service delivery issues of Zimbabwe. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability, edited by R Brinkman and S Garren. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp. 699-715.
Chirisa, I, Matamanda, AR and Mukarwi, L. 2018. Desired and achieved urbanisation in Africa: In search of appropriate tooling for a sustainable transformation. In: E-Planning and Collaboration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. pp. 542-560.
Chirisa, I, Matamanda, A and Mutambwa, J. 2018. Africa's dilemmas in climate change communication: Universalistic science versus indigenous technical knowledge. In: Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 1, edited by W Leal Filho, E Manoles, AM Azul, UM Azeiteiro, and H McGhie. Springer, Cham. pp. 1-14.
Chirisa, I and Tinashe, B. 2018. Informal sector operations and the environment: Reconnoitering the African urban space for sustainable urban stewardship. In: Handbook of Research on Urban Governance and Management in the Developing World, edited by J Mugambwa and MW Katusiimeh. IGI Global. pp. 361-378.
Cloete, J and Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2018. Mineworker housing. In: Mining and Community in South Africa: From small town to iron town, edited by L Marais, P Burger, and D van Rooyen. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 141-156.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P., Nel, V.J, and Mphambukeli, T.N. 2018. Spatial planning for Postmasburg. In: Mining and Community in South Africa: From small town to iron town, edited by L Marais, P Burger, and D van Rooyen. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 77-96.
Drewes, E and Campbell, M.M. 2018. The Tsassamba Committee. In: Mining and Community in South Africa: From small town to iron town, edited by L Marais, P Burger, and D van Rooyen. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 63-76.
Marais, L, Van Rooyen, D, Burger, P, Lenka, M, Cloete, J, Denoon-Stevens, S.P., Mocwagae, K, Jacobus, M, and Riet, J. 2018. The background to the Postmasburg study. In: Mining and Community in South Africa: From small town to iron town, edited by L Marais, P Burger, and D van Rooyen. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 5-22.
Mazongonda, SS and Chirisa, I. 2018. Spatiality, clustering, and the agglomeration economies of scale: A spatial statistical approach to informal manufacturing in Harare, Zimbabwe. In: Handbook of Research on Urban Governance and Management in the Developing World, edited by J Mugambwa and MW Katusiimeh. IGI Global: pp 224-247.
Okorie, VO. 2018. Retooling Africa's development: Child and youth inclusion in the development agenda. In: The Development of Africa: Issues, diagnoses and prognoses, edited by O Akanle and JO Adesina. Springer. pp. 189-206.
Stewart, T and Drewes, E. 2018. The Khumani approach to homeownership in Postmasburg. In: Mining and Community in South Africa: From small town to iron town, edited by L Marais, P Burger, and D van Rooyen. London & New York: Routledge. pp 156-170.
Toba, L and Campbell, M.M. 2018. Homelessness by choice and by force. In: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WL Filho, PG Özuyar, AM Azul, L Brandli, U Azeiteiro, and T Wall. Springer Nature [Online].
Banhire, T., Muziri, C. & Matamanda AR. 2019. Groundwater Management in Greater Harare, Zimbabwe. Chapter 14 in: The Sustainability Ethic in the Management of the Physical, Infrastructural and Natural Resources of Zimbabwe. Chirisa, I. Bamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group.
Campbell, M. 2019. Mbombela: a growing provincial capital and tourism destination. In: Space and Planning in Secondary Cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. Stellenbosch: SUN Media: pp. 92-106.
Chirisa, I., Mukarwi, L. & Matamanda, AR. 2019. Resilience, Resistance and Risings in African Cities: Cases of Civil Responses to the Non Responsiveness and Unilateralism by the State to Urban Challenges. Chapter 20 in: Urban Crisis and Management in Africa: A Festschrift for Prof. Akin Mabogunje. Albert, I.O. and Lawanson, T. Texas: Pan-African University Press. pp. 335-349.
Chirisa, I. & Matamanda, AR. 2019. The Spatial and Physical Planning Considerations and Implications of Border Management in Zimbabwe. In: Dynamics of Contemporary Border Management in Zimbabwe: Challenges, Benefits and Prospects. Muqayi, S. and Manyeruke, C. London: Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd. pp.61-80.
Chirisa, I., Matamanda, AR & Mukarwi, L. 2019. Shifting Physical Boundaries and Implications for Harare since 1890. Chapter 4 in: The Sustainability Ethic in the Management of the Physical, Infrastructural and Natural Resources of Zimbabwe. Chirisa, I. Bamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2019. Matjhabeng: Planing in the face of Free State Goldfields decline. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp 115-139.
Marais, L., Du Plessis, D., Nel V. & Cloete, J. 2019. Secondary cities and spatial transformation in South Africa. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp 1-24.
Nel, V. 2019. Planning in Complex spaces: an orderly and predictive world. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp 25-40.
Nel, V. & Drummond, J. 2019. Mahikeng: A remote provincial capital with a turbulent past. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp 87-114.
Marais, L., Nel, V. & Cloete, J. 2019. Complexity Theory and Spatial change in ten secondary cities. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp265-286.
Mocwagae, K. 2017. Lephalale: the energy hub of the Limpopo Province. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp 67-85.
Mphambukeli, T.N. 2017. Msunduzi: Spatially integrating Kwazulu-Natal’s diverse capital. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp. 163-178.
Stewart, T. 2017. Sol Plaatje. In: Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa. Marais, L. & Nel, V. (ed). Bloemfontein: SUN Media. pp265-286.
Toba, L. & Campbell, M. 2019. Homelessness by choice and by force. Filho, W.L., Özuyar, P.G., Azul, A.M., Brandli, L., Azeiteiro, U. and Wall, T. (Eds). Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature: online. jsf?id=129996& auth_user=483747&auth_key=7251b41ddcbff461e89fbe655d32d8b3
Toba, L. & Campbell, M. 2019. Factors influencing urban open space encroachment: the case of Bloemfontein, South Africa. Chapter 20 in: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (Sasbe). Thomas, L. (Ed). Australia: Springer.
Bosman, G. & Steyn, J.J. 2015. Greening of cement stabilized brickyard industry for supporting sustainable building in the Northern Province. Proceedings of the 9th Built Environment Conference of the Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA), Durban, South Africa. 2-4 August 2015. pp. 229-241.
Mphambukeli, T.M. & Saheed, O. 2015. Towards sustainability: Practical options for irrigation water conservation at the Bloemfontein Campus of the University of the Free State. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Quantity Surveying Research Conference 2015: Cementing the future, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 15-16 October 2015. pp. 249-265.
Campbell, M.M. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2015. Enhancing the quality of postgratuate supervision: A students’ perspective, University of the Free State. Paper delivered at the 26th International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference: Growing capacities for sustainable e-learning provision, Sun City, South Africa. 14-16 October 2015.
Mphambukeli, T.N. & Campbell, M.M. 2015. A remedial measure? Power relationships and social justice in planning: A case study of Emalahleni Local Municipality. Paper delivered at the Second Conference of Planning Students and Young Graduates (CPSYG), Doornfontein Campus, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. 5-7 October 2015.
Ramaila, E. & Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2015. Leisure, open space and recreational planning in previously disadvantaged townships: A case study of Mahwelereng, Limpopo. Paper delivered at the Second Conference of Planning Students and Young Graduates (CPSYG), Doornfontein Campus, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. 5-7 October 2015.
Steyn, J.J. 2015. Regeneration of the Bloemfontein City Square. Paper delivered at the ISUF 2015 – XXII International Conference: City as Organism: New visions for urban life, Faculty of Architecture, ‘Sapienza’, Rome, Italy. 22-26 September 2015.
Barclay, E., Barnes, A., Hauptfleisch, C., Jacobs, H., Jacobs, N., Nel, V.J. & Orie, S. 2016. De-complexifying the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act principles. Paper delivered at the 15th International Winelands Conference: Governance of Transitions in a Complex World, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 30 March – 1 April 2016.
Booysen, L. & Campbell, M.M. 2016. A lack of stakeholder buy in derails an Urban Development Zone tax incentive: The case of Mangaung, South Africa. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Campbell, M.M. & Ramatsoele, R. 2016. The impact of the Southern African Development Community Protocol on market access along the Maputo Development Corridor. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. & Bruce, S. 2016. Exploring the potential for transit-oriented development in low-income settlements in the metropolitan cities of South Africa. Paper delivered at the 4th Southern African City Studies Conference (SACSC), Urban Futures Centre, Durban University of Technology (DUT), Durban, South Africa. 17-19 March 2016.
Hugo, A. & Steyn, D. 2016. The graduate identity of professional planning in South Africa. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Kohima, J. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2016. Barriers experienced by the City of Windhoek in facilitating land development applications under the Windhoek Town Planning Scheme of 1976 in Klein Windhoek and Katutura suburbs. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Mdleleni, M. & Mphambukeli, T.N. 2016. Exploring the underlying factors behind the resurgence of new informal settlements post in-situ upgrading in South Africa: A case study of Phelindaba Informal Settlement, Matjhabeng Local Municipality, Free State. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Steÿn, J.J. 2016. How sound planning sense should disrupt the different power in the planning world. Paper delivered at the 7th Planning Africa Conference: Making Sense of the Future - Disruption and Reinvention, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-6 July 2016.
Williams, T., Dubezane, M., Mbense, M., Mchunu, M., Nkosi, S. & Nel, V.J. 2016. Sustainable spatial governance in rural areas under traditional authority. Paper delivered at the 52nd International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Congress: Cities we have vs. cities we need, Durban, South Africa. 12-16 September 2016.
Denoon-Stevens, SP. 2017. The use of decision-making support tools for the assessment of land development applications of low-income settlements in South Africa: an exploration of their potential. Paper delivered at the 3rd Biannual Centre for Regional and Urban Innovation and Statistical Exploration (CRUISE) Urban and Regional Science Conference, at Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2017. Translating normative concerns into law: an exploration within the ield of land development regulation. Paper delivered at the 4th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference on Law and the New Urban Agenda, Cape Town, South Africa.
Jacobus, M, Denoon-Stevens, S.P., and Nel, V.J. 2017. Encouraging Inclusive Communities Through Zoning Reform: The case of Upper Ashbury, Bloemfontein. Paper delivered at the 53rd International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)/ Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association (OAPA) Congress, Portland, USA.
Campbell, M.M. and Drewes, E. 2018. A hybrid local government approach towards planning and development. Paper delivered at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Construction, Building and Real Estate (COBRA) Research Conference, London, United Kingdom. 23-24 April 2018.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2018. Principles for designing safe low-income settlements in South Africa. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 1-5 October 2018.
Okorie, V. 2018. Revisiting and redeeming the commons: Whither BRICS' political economies? Paper delivered at the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) associated with UNISA, and South African BRICS Think Tank (SABTT) BRICS 2018 Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa. 22 November 2018.
Massey, R, Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Nel, V.J. 2018. Planning practice at local government level in South Africa: challenges, implications and new approaches. Paper delivered at International Conference: 50 years of Local Governance 1980-2030, University of Lisbon, Portugal. 4-5 September 2018.
Melore, T and Nel, V.J. 2018. Climate change resilience of informal settlements in montane areas. Paper delivered at the South African Planning Institute (SAPI) Planning Africa Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 14-17 October 2018.
Muleya, N. 2018. Sensation and perception: An exploration of human multi-sensory experiences, needs and preferences to enhance planning of the public space in the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Paper delivered at the South African Planning Institute (SAPI) Planning Africa Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 14-17 October 2018.
Reynolds, C and Nel, V.J. 2018. A vision for modern African settlements: design and supportive processes. Paper delivered at the South African Planning Institute (SAPI) Planning Africa Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 14-17 October 2018.
Steÿn, J.J. 2018. A third Afrikaner migration: Plans for survival of a people. Paper delivered at the Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London, United Kingdom. 15-16 November 2018.
Campbell, M., Drewes, E. & Brand, A. 2019. Corridor development in a South African coal mining region. Regional Networks and Economic Space Development. RSA Russia Division Workshop, Yekaterinburg, Russia. 14-16 November.
Landman, K., Du Plessis, C., Nel, V. & Nel, D. 2019. Directives for Resilient and Regenerative Cities. Proceedings of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), World Building Congress 2019 – Constructing Smart Cities, 17-21 June 2019, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Matamanda, A. R & Mphambukeli, T. N. 2019. Planning for Co-production through Innovative Technology in Informal and ‘City-Edge’ Human Settlements in the Global South: The Case of Hopley Farm, Harare, Zimbabwe. South Africa Sweden University Forum 2019 Symposium. Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, 6 May 2019.
Nel, V., Oranje, M. & Smit, E. 2019. Governing mining-based municipalities in South Africa. Paper delivered at the International conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geography of Governance, “Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges, and Innovations in a Globalizing World”, University of Cape Verde, Praia. 4-7 September 2019.
Nel, V. & Denoon-Stevens, S. 2019. Decolonising land use management in South Africa. Paper delivered at the International conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geography of Governance, “Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges, and Innovations in a Globalizing World”, University of Cape Verde, Praia. 4-7 September 2019.
Nel, D. & Nel V. 2019. Governance for resilient smart cities. Proceedings of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), World Building Congress 2019 – Constructing Smart Cities, 17-21 June 2019, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Nel, V. & Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2016. Research on thematic areas: Towards the development of the National Spatial Development Framework. Draft background report prepared with Kena Consult for the National Spatial Development Framework, Pretoria, South Africa.
Nel, V., Busani, M., Denoon-Stevens, S.P. & Friedrich, M. 2016. Spatial Economy. Draft background report prepared with Kena Consult for the National Spatial Development Framework, Pretoria, South Africa.
Nel, V., Moyo, B., Denoon-Stevens, S.P. & Friedrich, M. 2016. The Spatial Economy. Report prepared with Kena Consult for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Pretoria, South Africa.
Campbell, M.M. 2017. Mbombela. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 32-34. Available from
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. 2017. Matjhabeng. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 22-24. Available from
Denoon-Stevens, S.P. and Nel, V.J. 2017. Proactive upzoning of land in TOD developments to promote urban regeneration in South African cities. In South African Cities Network, The Urban Land Papers Series Volume 2: A transit-orientated development lens: 41-53.
Denoon-Stevens, S.P., Charman, A, Tonkin, C, and Demeestere, R. 2017. Post-apartheid spatial inequality: obstacles of land use management on township micro- enterprise formalization. Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation: online.
Mocwagae, K. 2017. Lephalale. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 26-28. Available from
Mphambukeli, T.N. 2017. Msunduzi. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 34-36. Available from
Nel, V.J. 2017. Mahikeng. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 28-30. Available from
Stewart, T. 2017. Sol Plaatje. In Marais, L and Du Plessis, D (Eds). Spatial Transformation: Are Intermediate Cities Different? Johannesburg: South African Cities Network, 40-42. Available from
Nel, V. 2019. Emalahleni Case Study. Report as part of Intermediate Cities Management study for South African Cities Network.