Housekeeping is responsible for the following accommodation categories:

  • Junior Residences
  • Senior Residences
  • Day Residences
  • Flats
  • Kovsie-Inn

Each residence has a Housekeeping Manager, Supervisor, and cleaning team who is responsible for cleaning, pest control, and inventory management.


Cleaning is conducted according to a colour-coding system. This system prevents cross-contamination of bacteria. Areas cleaned according to the colour-coding system are as follows:

  • Green = public areas
  • Red = bathroom areas
  • Yellow = kitchen areas
  • Blue = sanitising

Quality control is done by means of inspections, cleaning audits, and hygiene swabs.

Pest Control

Pest control is conducted on a daily basis. All residences are fumigated twice a year in order to minimise day-to-day pest-control issues.

Inventory management

Three inventory counts are done per year. The inventory counts are signed off by both the Housekeeping Manager and the Residence Head. This ensures that furniture is sufficient and that it is well maintained.

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