South African Sign Language and Deaf Studies
Unit for Language facilitation and Empowerment
Stef Coetzee Building 215
Dynamic person with strong interpersonal skills. Management skills within an administrative and financial environment. Can systematically analyse situations and come up with solutions. Passionate, with a desire for knowledge and teaching others.
The role of toponymy in identifying cultural heritage: a case study of place names in the Bushmanland, Northern Cape. In: Beyer, H; Brenzinger, M; Du Plessis, T & Raper P. Critical toponomy: Place names in political, historical and commercial landscapes. Bloemfontein: SunMedia
Influences on educational language policy: A historical-ethnographical investigation at schools in the Southern Free State, South Africa. In collaboration with prof. L.T. du Plessis. In: Cuvelier et al. (2013). Studies in Language Policies in South Africa: Multilingualism for Empowerment. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
- Language diversity: Enhancing the use of Sesotho and South African Sign Language. Funded by the ITP of the UFS
- Language empowerment through language intervention: Nama, Sotho and SASL. Funded by the ITP of the UFS. In collaboration with Prof LT du Plessis (PL)
- Language literacy remediation and language assessment in the Foundation Phase (in process). In cooperation with professors. LT du Plessis and A. van Staden.
- Big data. Funded by the UFS. In cooperation with Prof. LT du Plessis, Drs. E. Kotzé; S. Brokensha; C. Loth, B. Senekal, Mr. J.-P. du Plessis a Mrs. C. Geldenhuys.
- Language Diversity Management in Education Institution in Namur (BE) and Bloemfontein (RSA) - A focus on the practical approaches. Funded by the NRF and Risa. In cooperation with professionals. LT du Plessis; A. van Staden; J. Darqueness; Drs. E. Ndlovu; C. Loth; L. Meurant; Mrs. S. Lombaard and Me. E. du Toit.
- South African Language Rights Monitor. ULFE blog. In cooperation with Prof. LT du Plessis, along A. van der Merwe, A. Weideman, T. Maleho and A. de Vries.
- Names Dictionary Application. Funded by ULFE. In cooperation with Dr. Chrismi Loth, J.-P. du Plessis and G. Lilokoe.
- UFS Interpreting Service. Funded by the UFS. In cooperation with Prof. LT du plessis, along C. Geldenhuys, G. Newton, D. Wilsnach and S. Lombaard.
- MIDP IV and MIDP V. Funded by the Province of Antwerp. In cooperation with professionals. LT du Plessis, P. Cuvelier, M. Meeuwis; V. Webb; Drs. R. Vanderkerckhove, C. Loth, M. Mwaniki; and Mrs. Susan Lombaard.
Deaf Studies, Language Policy and Language Planning (in education), and Toponymy
Undergraduate Deaf studies: SASL1514; SASL 2614 and SASL 3718
Post graduate: SASC 6808 (Advance Deaf Studies and Culture)
Master supervision