Explore South Campus


The UFS Library and Information Services forms an integral part of the university and shares in the quest for excellence. We are proud to introduce to you a library and information service that not only satisfies the basic needs of the user, but one that operates in a highly technological environment.

The UFS Library and Information Services offers you the opportunities, information resources, and facilities that are essential to academic life. We hope that our services will support you. For more information, please visit Library and Information Services' main page.

As a registered student, please do not hesitate to contact the South Campus library for assistance in finding resources for your assignments or research. You can contact the following staff members if you need help in this regard:Description: School of Open Learning Keywords: Short courses

South Campus Library Assistant

Charles Seekoei

E: seekoeiBC@ufs.ac.za
T: +27 51 401 7806



Access (UAP)

+27 51 401 9111 (Option 2)

Open Distance and E-learning Programmes
Deborah Pietersen
+27 51 505 1394

Short Learning Programmes
Keneilwe Mogotsi

Kovsie Phahamisa Academy

South campus webpage1

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