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26 February 2019 | Story Eugene Seegers | Photo Eugene Seegers
Prof Francis Petersen, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Daniella Coetzee, South Campus Principal, Tshegofatso Setilo, Director Access, Prof Prakash Naidoo, Vice-Rector Operations
Prof Francis Petersen, Prof Daniella Coetzee (Principal: South Campus), Tshegofatso Setilo (Head: Access Programmes), and Prof Prakash Naidoo (Vice-Rector: Operations) on the South Campus for the welcoming of first-years.

“Welcome to the South Campus of the University of the Free State!” Addressing a packed Madiba Arena, Prof Francis Petersen, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the UFS, said he was happy to see not only first-year students, but also parents and guardians, student leadership, and support staff from both the Bloemfontein and South Campuses.

 “I would like to congratulate each of our first-year students for making the decision to come to Kovsies to further your studies here. But I would also like to thank you for making this choice,” he continued.

Prof Petersen further emphasised that the students’ experience and success as individuals are important to the UFS as an institution; therefore, academic and support staff are on hand to guide them through their journey to becoming well-rounded individuals. “We will surely take care of you,” said Prof Petersen. He also reassured parents and guardians that their loved ones would be well looked after.

The Rector also focused attention on the role of student-leadership structures, such as the newly-formed Institutional Student Representative Council (ISRC) and South Campus SRC, members of which were present in the audience. He thanked them for playing a key role in the student constituency, highlighting their support and guidance to help first-years cultivate a sense of belonging at the UFS.

Turning back to first-year students, Prof Petersen stated that they have the unique opportunity to study on a campus specifically focused on developing their full potential, a campus where they can realise their dreams. “Your arrival on the campus marks a new chapter in your life. This chapter is slightly different, as you are the author thereof. The previous chapters in your life were largely written by others—your parents, guardians, families, teachers, and others. You will now be the main author in the next chapter of your unique story.”

“At Kovsies, we believe in developing students in their totality as human beings, not just the academic side. May your time with us equip you to make a success of your life after university!”

Prof Petersen’s Message to First-year Students
  1. Take responsibility for your academic programme.
    • Keep your focus. Study and study hard. You will reap the rewards and see the advantages of making success in your studies a top priority.
    • Make sure that you have enough time for your studies; balance your social life and your time set aside to study.
  2. Realise and remember that you are not alone.
    • If you find things difficult, seek help.
    • Our Department of Student Counselling and Development has trained staff and tailor-made programmes that can assist you.
    • Look after your mental health—and look after each other’s mental health.
  3. Make the most of your time at Kovsies.
    • Join one or more of the student organisations; why not try something new?
  4. Embrace difference and diversity.
    • Get to know students who are different from you.
    • You will lose valuable opportunities to grow if you only associate with your own all the time. It is important to get to know students who are different from you. It could be someone from a different part of the country, or from another country, a different ethnicity, a different religion, someone who has different views from yours, or who has different interests and perspectives.

News Archive

Power shortage: Measures to be implemented immediately

1. In order to avoid the further implementation of power sharing, electricity companies countrywide are requiring, in addition to measures announced for domestic consumers, that major power consumers save a certain percentage of power.

2. Die UFS is one of the 100 largest clients of Centlec, the local electricity distribution company. During a meeting last Thursday evening with the 100 largest clients, it was indicated that the UFS had to deliver a saving of 10%. The details are as follows:

  • Provision is made to a certain extent for an increase in electricity consumption. The calculation is done as follows: maximum consumption for 2007+6%-10%.
  • This entails a saving during peak times, as well as a saving regarding the total number of units consumed.
  • The saving is calculated on a monthly basis.
  • Saving measures must be implemented immediately (from 7 March). If electricity-saving goals are not attained, power sharing will be resumed from 10 March.

3. The UFS has been controlling its peak demand by means of an energy control system for many years. The geysers of residences and certain central air-conditioning systems were linked to the control system in order to shift energy consumption to non-peak times.

4. In order to attain the goal of 10%, it is necessary to implement further energy control systems and additional measures – which requires time and money. Attention will have to be given, inter alia, to the following:

  • The 1000+ portable air-conditioning units on the campus (huge power guzzlers) must be connected to energy control appliances and systems.
  • All the filament bulbs must be replaced.

7. The UFS will be conducting high-level talks with Centlec later this week with a view to:

  • conveying the unique needs of the UFS in detail;
  • stating the impact of building and refurbishing projects that are currently in the implementation and planning phases;
  • requesting understanding for the fact that the UFS does not have the capacity to immediately deliver the 10% saving.

It is evident from discussions thus far that Centlec is sympathetic and wants to help, but also that immediate action and co-operation are expected from the UFS. During the meeting, the UFS must also report back on steps already taken (since 7 March) in this regard.

8. The installation of the emergency power units for the large lecture-hall complexes and a few other critical areas, which has already been approved, is continuing. About R3m is being spent on this. Additional emergency power needs reported to Physical Resources via line managers are currently being investigated with a view to obtaining a cost estimate and subsequently determining priorities in consultation with line managers.

It is recommended that:

a) All line managers, staff members and students be requested to give their full co-operation with regard to saving electricity in every possible way, and that current operational arrangements be amended if possible with a view to promoting power saving. 

Staff, students and other users of campus facilities be requested to see to it that lights and air conditioning (individual units) in unused areas are switched off.

b) The following measures drawn up in co-operation with electrical engineers come into effect immediately:

Arrangements to be made by Physical Resources staff:
(Additional capacity to be able to complete everything within a reasonable period of time will have to be found and funded. This aspect will be taken up with the line managers concerned):

  • The geysers of all office buildings will be switched off at the distribution board. Staff are requested to use a kettle for washing dishes, and are warned not to switch appliances on again themselves.
  • In all office buildings where 12V and 15W downlighters and uplighters remain switched on for decorative purposes and do not serve as primary illumination, the light switches will be disconnected.
  • Lighting in cloakrooms will be checked, and illumination levels will be reduced if possible.
  • All light armatures must be replaced by CFL types.
  • All lights on the grounds will be checked to ensure minimum power consumption.
  • The upper limit of all central cooling systems currently regulated via the energy control system must be set to 24 degrees.

Arrangements to be made by Kovsie Sport:

  • Sport activities requiring sports field illumination must be scheduled after 20:00 in the evening (the lights may not be on between 18:00 and 20:00.)
  • Sports field illumination must be managed so that such lights are not switched on unnecessarily.

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