37th Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards: 7 September 2019
From left to right: Marius JV Rensburg (Executive Management Award), Dr Janine Allan-Spies (Cum Laude Award), Angie Khumalo (Kovsie Ambassador's Award), Kesa Molotsane (Kovsie Ambassador's Award), Prof Corinna Walsh (Cum Laude Award), Ryan Ishmail (Cum Laude Award), Louzanne Coetzee (Kovsie Ambassador's Award), Dr Riana Scheepers (Chancellor's Distinguished Alumnus Award) and Jaco Jacobs (Cum Laude Award). Karla Pretorius won the Young Alumnus Award.
Dr Khotso Mokhele received the Honorary Alumnus Award. This is the first time that this honorary award was bestowed and serves as acknowledgement to his significant contributions in advancing the human and academic projects of the institution over a significant period.
2019_Alumni of the year booklet
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Gala Dinner on 7 September 2019
2019-09-07 18.55.48
Sep 9, 2019, 16:21
Elmada Kemp