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Pre-Workshop to BloemCrystSchool2:
Introduction to Crystallography
Bloemfontein, 23-24 August 2014
Final Program: Pre-Workshop to BloemCrystSchool2
Session 1: Saturday, 23 August 2014 (Afternoon)
13.00 to 17.00, ca. 4 hours [
Vincent Smith (
VS) (US) &
Clive Oliver (
CO) (UCT) ]:
Topic 1. Single crystal data collection and general introductory concepts of crystallography
[Afternoon: ca. 2 h.; (VS)]
Topic 2. Refinement strategies of small molecules and brief hands-on session [Afternoon: ca. 2 h.; (CO)]
Session 2: Sunday, 24 August 2014 (Morning)
09.00 to 12.30, ca. 3 hours [
Clive Oliver (
CO) (UCT) &
Catharine Esterhuysen (
CE) (US)]:
Topic 2. (Continued) Refinement strategies of small molecules... [Morning: ca. 1 h.; (CO)]
Topic 3. Use of Cambridge Structural Database [Morning: ca. 2 .h; (CE)].
Session 3: Sunday, 24 August 2014 (Afternoon)
13.30 to 16.30, ca. 3 hours [
Alice Brink (
AB) (UFS)]:
Topic 4. Matrix Algebra: Introduction required for BloemCrystSchool2 which starts 25 August
[Afternoon: ca. 2 h.; (AB)].
16.30: Closing
A big 'Thank You!' to our lecturers:
Dr Vincent Smith: Univ of Stellenbosch (
Dr Clive Oliver: Univ of Cape Town (
Prof Catharine Esterhuysen: Univ of Stellenbosch (
Dr Alice Brink: Univ of the Free State (
Registration for the pre-workshop and BloemCrystSchool has already closed.