BloemCrystSchool will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to group theory
  • Crystallographic point groups
  • Stereographic projection and the morphology of crystals
  • Space groups
  • Exercises on the space group diagrams from Volume A of the International Tables
  • Fourier transforms and convolutions
  • Scattering from an electron, an atom, a unit cell, a crystal
  • Diffraction symmetry: Laue classes, Friedel's law, resonant scattering
  • General, zonal and serial reflection conditions and their use to determine the space-group type
  • Group-subgroup relations and their application to phase transitions
  • Twins and modular structures
  • Use of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server in the study of the structure and properties of crystals

A more detailed programme will be made available closer to the date.

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