On 11 Sept 2022, the Jagersfontein tailings dam failed and inundated homes in Charlesville and Skoti. Many people are still displaced and have not been compensated for basic losses. Reclamation of waterways and farmland is slow and difficult.

The Centre for Development Support at the University of the Free State hosted a photo and film exhibition, following a research collaboration with The University of Queensland.

UFS is helping to build an archive of stories, pictures, and documents with local people, and for the public record.

View the first cut of the film here:


Tel: +27 51 401 3825
Academic Advice: EMSadvice@ufs.ac.za
EMS Applications: EMSapplications@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals BFN (South and Bloemfontein) EMSappealsbfn@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals Qwaqwa: EMSappealsQQ@ufs.ac.za

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