

 Journal quality Count 
 Clarivate Web of Science rating Clarivate Web of Science rating
 Q1 7 2
 Q2 11 9
 Q3 6 0
 Q4 4 1
 DHET-only 20

Number of authors per publication
 Single Two Three and more
 9 7 13


  1. Gambe, T, Turok, I and Visagie, J. 2023. ‘The trajectories of urbanisation in Southern Africa: a comparative analysis’, Habitat International, 132.
  2. Scholvin, S, Turok, I, Visagie, J, Diez, JR and Breul, M. 2023. ‘Beyond offshoring: tradable services and regional markets in the Global South’, Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography,
  3. Nwosu, C. 2023. ‘Mental distress, COVID-19 vaccine distrust and vaccine hesitancy in South Africa: a causal mediation regression analysis’, PLOS ONE, Vol: 1(3), pp. 1-14.
  4. Nwosu, C. 2023. ‘Is socioeconomic inequality in antenatal care coverage widening or reducing between and within socioeconomic groups? A case of 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa’, SSMPopulation Health, Vol: 23, 101402, pp. 1-27.
  5. Nwosu, C. 2023. ‘Assessing psychosocial health impacts of climate adaptation: a critical review’, New Solutions, Vol: 33(1), pp. 37-50.
  6. Nwosu, C. 2023. ‘Service delivery improvement plans in South Africa: the good, the bad and the ugly’, Journal of Public Administration, Vol: 58(1), pp. 77-97.
  7. Coetzee, J and Raubenheimer, L. 2023. ‘Value preferences for rewards and loyalty programmes of South African financial institutions’, International Journal of Economic and Business, Vol. 26(4).
  8. Masinde, M and Coetzee, J. 2023. ‘Modelling research productivity of university researchers using research incentives to crowd-in motivation’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol: 72(5), pp. 1509-1530.
  9. Kotze, J, Coetzee, J and Niemann, R. 2023. ‘Views of digital transformation at a South African higher education institution to enable effective administrative systems’, International Business Conference, Conference Proceedings.
  10. Meggersee A and Guvuriro S (in press). ‘Economic sustainability of small mining towns: a case study in South Africa’, Sage Open (in press) WoS Q2.
  11. Buthelezi, EM. ‘Impact of inflation in different states of unemployment: evidence with the Phillips curve in South Africa from 2008 to 2022’.
  12. Buthelezi, EM. ‘Impact of money supply in different states of inflation and economic growth in South Africa’, Economies 2023, 11, 64.
  13. Buthelezi, EM. 2023. ‘Dynamic macroeconomic economic uncertainty in different regimes of economic growth in the presence of fiscal consolidation in South Africa from 1994 to 2022’, Economies (ISSN 2227-7099).
  14. Buthelezi, EM, Nyatanga, P. 2023. ‘Impact of fiscal consolidation on domestic government debt: evidence of time-varying elasticity CAPB in South Africa from 1979 to 2022’, Economies (ISSN 2227-7099), 10 March 2023.
  15. Buthelezi, EM. 2023. ‘Impact of government expenditure on economic growth in different states in South Africa’, Cogent Economics and Finance.
  16. Buthelezi, EM. 2023. ‘Examining the dynamic nexus of monetary and fiscal policy in South Africa: evidence from key macroeconomic economic’, Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, Vol: 7(1), pp. 13-42.
  17. Buthelezi, E. 2023. ‘BRICS economies: assessing the influence of economic policy uncertainty and fiscal consolidation on government debt and economic growth’, Millennial Asia Journal.
  18. Buthelezi, EM. 2023. ‘Exploring the relationship between exchange rate misalignment uncertainty and economic growth in South Africa’, Cogent Economics and Finance, 11:2, 2267920, DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2023.2267920.
  19. Keyser, JN. 2023. ‘Economic policies in South Africa since 1994 – leaning to the left or right?’ International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4:11, ISSN 2694- 1430 (print), ISSN 2694-1449 (online) \DOI: 10.56734/ijbms.
  20. Vengesai, E. 2023. ‘Unveiling the role of investment tangibility on financial leverage: insights from African listed firms’, Risks, 11(11), 192.
  21. Katuka, B, Mudzingiri, C and Vengesai, E. 2023. ‘The effects of non-performing loans on bank stability and economic performance in Zimbabwe’, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 13(6), pp. 393-405.
  22. Gumbo L, Vengesai, E and Marimuthu, F. 2023. ‘Financial literacy operationalisation model for agribusiness entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe’, Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 2(2023), pp.113-135.
  23. Katuka, B, Mudzingiri, C and Vengesai, E. 2023. ‘Demystifying the role of governance quality and fiscal space on nonperforming loans in Zimbabwe’, Institutions and Economies (IE) journal 16(2), pp. 1-29.
  24. Keyser, JN. 2023. ‘Economic policies in South Africa since 1994 – leaning to the left or right?’ International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4:11, ISSN 2694- 1430 (print), ISSN 2694-1449 (online) \DOI: 10.56734/ijbms.
  25. Gumbo, L, Marimuthu, F and Vengesai, E. 2023. ‘Financial literacy competencies of women in agribusiness and their financial experiences during a pandemic’, The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 15(1), 11.


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