A Family Math and Family Science Summit takes place annually at the University of the Free State.

Summit 2011

This year's Summit differs in the sense that not only coordinators attended it, but also one teacher from each participating school in the Northern Cape and Free State was invited to attend and take part in the proceedings.

The programme included the following:

  • Thursday, 29 September 2011: Workshop at South Campus - Family Math activities to improve mental mathematical skills facilitated by Mrs Meps Esterhuizen from the Northern Cape DoE.
  • Friday, 30 September 2011: Summit - Feedback presentations by coordinators in the Auditorium of the Math, Science and Technology Building on the Main Campus of the UFS.

Go to our gallery for photos taken at this event.


Shereen Motaung
T: +27 51 401 9281

E: motaungsk@ufs.ac.za
E: eduinfo@ufs.ac.za

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