UFS Donate

Direct deposit
please use the following bank details :
ABSA Bank Cheque Acc no 1570850721,
Branch code 632005
Reference: Project reference, surname, initials, or student or staff number
SWIFT code ABSAZAJJ. Send the proof of payment to 
Rinda Duraan
All donations are tax deductible in terms of South African income tax legislation.

Advancing Innovation, Science, and Technology 

Artificial Intelligence




Building Social Cohesion
through the Arts 


Protecting and Advocating
for Human Rights

Human Rights

Health Care 

Beds of Hope

Community health

Advancing Innovative Educational Strategies

Education Science Centre

Alternative access to higher education is a viable pathway in our widely unequal society. The UFS South Campus provides access to promising students who did not make the grade just yet. Several bridging programmes offer pathways for students who want to study further.

Creating an Environment for Student Success

Students Graduate

no Student Hungry Campaign



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