Affiliated Adjunct Professor
Family Medicine
Muller Potgieter Building 23
- Head: School of Clinical Medicine
- Member of the Senate of the UFS
- Clinical governance and Medico-Legal Expert
- Health Education and Ethics
- Management and Leadership
Publications (Short List)
Reviewer for South African Family Practice and African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine Journals
- Knowledge of prostate cancer among males attending a urology clinic, a South African study Nathaniel Mofolo, Olwethu Betshu, Ogomoditse Kenna, Sarah Koroma, Tlalane Lebeko, Frederik M Claassen and Gina Joubert. Springer Plus 2015, 4:67 (10 February 2015). http://www.springerplus.com/content/4/1/67
- Knowledge of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa: A grade 10 learner’s project. Letter to the editor: SAMJ 2016;106(7):648
- An evaluation of factors influencing perceptual experiences and future plans of final-year medical interns in the Free State, 2013–2014, N Mofolo & J Botes (2016) South African Family Practice, DOI: 10.1080/20786190.2016.1225421
- Adherence to the 30-minute rule in emergency caesarean deliveries due to foetal distress at Pelonomi Tertiary Hospital, Bloemfontein, South Africa:PULA: Botswana Journal of African Studies Vol 31, No 2, 2017
- Adverse events management
- Patient Safety
- Medico-legal and Ethics
- Practice Management
- Clinical Governance
- Emergency Medicine
- Refresher Courses: General Practitioners
- Practice Management
- Academic/Journal Discussions
Training on
- Research Development
- Medical Ethics and professionalism
- Management of Adverse Events,
- Clinical Governance,
- Root-cause analysis,
- Essential steps in Management of obstetric emergencies